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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Overview of Plan


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Team Members:
Lynn Short - Essex High School Peter Gustafson, Albert D. Lawton Middle School Dana Cummings - Essex Middle School John Gazo - Fleming Middle School

What is your role within your team?
I facilitate our meetings, bring resources, and record and write minutes.

What professional growth goals do you and your team members hope to reach through this partnership?
We are working to incorporate information about the Polar Regions into our curricula in a meaningful way.

How will you and your team reflect on these goals and on learning and classroom practice (e.g., pedagogy, the use of technology, content, the process of science)?
We set aside time for discussion at each meeting.

Mentoring Plan (Revised from Orientation)
My plan is the same. My goal was to reach out to an elementary, a middle and a high school teacher to generate interest in and enthusiasm for the Polar Regions and to incorporate science as inquiry/process into the curriculum.