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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Team Meetings


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Date: 08/10/02
Duration: 2 hours
Location: St. Peter School
Parcticipants: Terri Lehr, Pam Hagerbaumer, Kittie Johnson, Linda Meyers, Cindy brown, Tonya Rodemich

Goal(s) of Meeting
Goals: 1. Introduction to MRG and Overview 2. Introduction to Inquiry-based Science 3. Introduction to TEA Program & how project can help each team member.

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):
Team Discussion:

Each team member discussed what each member hoped to get out of the project and why they applied. We identified available resources and opportunities and set the tentative schedule for future meetings.

Each member was assign homework to bring back ideas to share for the next session.

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?

Additional reflections: