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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Team Meetings


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Date: December 6, 2003
Duration: 2 hours
Location: St. Peter School
Parcticipants: Dave Brown, Kitty Johnson, Michele Haskins, Kristin Six, Jeff VanKanegan, Teri Lehr, Pam Hagerbaumer

Goal(s) of Meeting
Establish school curriculum needs assessment and goals for St. Peter School. Set primary and intermediate level standards. Finalize plans for field lab experiences and next meetings

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):
This is our first meeting for the Parocial school group. We identified the needs for our school and assessed our resources and began planning annual goals. A huge weakness within our school cuuriculum was previously identified. The weakness is that one one unit of physical science is taught grades three through eight at our school.

We reviewed the state and national science standards and began to align them with our classrooms and began mapping our curriculum draft.

Plans have been finalized for the entire team to attend a science conference at Western Illinois University in April. Both our public school and parocial school members will attend. Three of us will be presenting a session on research and inquiry-based bio-monitoring field labs we are involved in.

We all will also attend a geology lab with the state geologists in May and several will attend the Illinois State Science Conference in July.

The entire group will begin meeting every six weeks and the parocial group will meet every four weeks while the public school group will meet every five weeks. (we will then both come together for the sixth week meeting) Next full session meeting was set for the week of January 19th.

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?
We basically focused on our needs assessment at this time and our curriculum development plan.

Additional reflections: