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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Team Meetings


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Date: 8/10/02
Duration: 30 minutes

Goal(s) of Meeting

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?

Additional reflections:
Date: 8/09/02 Duration: 30 minutes Location: CRREL Parcticipants: Lars, Amy, Robin

Pedagogy: We discussed possible ways to meet the mentoring requirements, and how to get a mentoring group started. We brainstormed ways to encourage parcticipants to “hang in” for the long haul. We discussed what would motivate teachers to parcticipate. Ideas included: offer credit and/or recertification hours, a final product (lesson plans-curriculum/ resources –posters, stickers, books?), ability to co-present and at local and/or national conventions, etc.

Technology was considered by discussing connecting to TEA Live chat sessions: making available the internet connections – who would be able, how can we help others become equipped to support the idea. We discussed doing inquiry based projects which might require specific equipment –such as temperature probes, Pasco probes, etc.

We discussed the structure of our classrooms – numbers of students, feeder schools, post schools… how we could make this a significant process for everyone – teacher and student.