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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Annual Report


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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you set for yourself?
The team,Ethan Forbes, Ann Murray, Courtney Neal, Johnna Hebert, Jake Strunjo, Kelli Gervais all work well together. I am very fortunate to work in a positive educational community.Four classes have worked together now for 3 years. All of the teachers in this group have used their work in their own workshops as well as working together. Besides our meetings after school, the administration has allowed us to meet during professional dvelopment days. Each summer 3 days have been spent evaluating the program. part of the work is to produse a polar document for the us by the Orange School community.We have also wokred on grants, alone, and in teams as a result of our "team meetings".

How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
Working with 4 classes as well as with children on IEP's (Individual Educational Plans)is quite a challenge. There are many personalities with many different learning capabilities. Working with a team enables all of us to learn new strategies, experiences, and assessments. A team approach helps all of us become better educators.

What materials / resources / workshops did you use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
Computer research, emailing different communities around the world, library, guest speakers, community members, local historians have all parcticipated in the study. Workshops were done on polar studies for the Orange school community, powerpoint lessons were given by our team at workshops. A large amount of the entire community has benefited from these activities. The public library was a focus this past year. This was very successful. We worked on technology and local grants as well.

Based on the past year, what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of your team interactions?
The past year was successful. I beleve this pushes the team to produce new and exciting work with our students. Feedback from past students, the community, and the administration is very positive. Constant assessment of our work is a key. Evaluation from the administartion is a key componant. Teaching in an environment such as Orange, enables us to learn, grow as professionals, as well as students along with our children.

Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
Ann Murray 96 1/2 hours Courtney Neal 74 hours Jake Strunjo 53 1/2 hours Johnna Hebert (Cloukey) 24 hours Kelli Gervais 25 hours

Additional reflections:
The TEA program has enabled me to work with Dr. Roger Harritt, Dr. Martin Jeffries, Fae Korsmo (NSF), Anna Kertulla (NSF). I have travelled to Alaska 4 times (2 field seasons, 1 time with student, and 1 time to learn about archaeology). I have presented my program to the public and to many school systems throughout Massachusetts. Many artcles have been written in local newspapers about my work as a result of TEA. My digitals have been used on the TEA poster, for an ARCUS, and for work done with TERC. This experience has brought me down a long road. I have become a better teacher, researcher, and person as a result of TEA. I hope my students have all become better learners. I hope I have sparked a light in students to the wonders of learning and expanding the horizens.