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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Annual Report


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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you set for yourself?
It gave me more confidence as a teacher and it helped me realize the impact I have on other teachers.

How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
Because we are starting a new science unit, we learned together as we went along. Although I am more familiar with the general science of the unit, we both had to learn the specifics of the expedition we planned to follow.

What materials / resources / workshops did you use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
Internet site: Exploring the Deep Frontier(www.Ocean.udel.edu/extreme2003 and 2004)

Based on the past year, what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of your team interactions?

Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
Barbara Marin: 12

Additional reflections: