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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Annual Report


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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you set for yourself?
I love working with my team members! They've put in a lot of effort into this project. Each of us have become more assertive, take initiatives for new ideas, accept constructive feedback, provide detailed feedback, take turns leading meetings, and writing proposals.

How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
I had a new TEA associate join this year as a student teacher. Fresh from college, she had a variety of new ideas in developing, modifying and introducing activities. This forced me to rethink my approaches and we met on a weekly basis. We met more frequently than the other two TEA team members and we've attended a couple of TEA events. Barbara moved to a model school for the Deaf so it's nice to compare our work with students. And of course, Michelle works with elementary students at WSD. She helped me revise my activity (to be posted soon) to fit her students. Through the TEA team members, we've created a larger network for ourselves opening to more opportunities for sharing individual experiences.

What materials / resources / workshops did you use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
*Science fair activities - 1/3 of our students did snow and ice experiments * How to use USB microscopes * Presented my actitivy to two classes (Hawley and Barbara) * TEA Arctic trunk with Hawley * Developed activities to share with colleagues * Barbara & I presented with Dr. Delena Norris-Tull national NSTA conference * Dr. Jeffries' ALISON project

Based on the past year, what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of your team interactions?
Barbara went back to teaching in September at a different Deaf school in Washington, DC. We've talked about a better way of communicating; possibly setting up weekly videoconference meetings. I'd like to set up a retreat again this summer since last summer plans fell through.

Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
Total hours since 2001

Hawley Mathieson: 152
Michelle Clark: 117.5
Barbara Stonewall: 81
Janice Stotts: 48
April McArthur: 9
Arlan Howard: 8
Piper Gallucci: 8
Amy Sinclair: 6.5
Julia Fritz: 3

Additional reflections: