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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Overview of Plan


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Team Members:
Sharon Harris Carolyn Rost

What is your role within your team?
Carolyn and I truly work collaboratively. Though I am the TEA and she is the Associate, we guide each other equally.

What professional growth goals do you and your team members hope to reach through this partnership?
Carolyn and I would like to develop a limnology unit for our Biology classes. Using my field experience on Lake Bonney in Antarctica and her summer field experience on Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania, we hope to prepare activities that illustrate the diversity of living organisms in similar bodies of water. We want to engage our students in local aquatic research activities that mirror what I did in Antarctica and she does in Africa.

How will you and your team reflect on these goals and on learning and classroom practice (e.g., pedagogy, the use of technology, content, the process of science)?
Carolyn and I will both enroll in an online GIS course to enable us to document limnological data worldwide. Using this information, our students will be able to analyze their own research data and compare it to other bodies of water similar to or completely different than that which they investigated.

Mentoring Plan (Revised from Orientation)