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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Annual Report


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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you set for yourself?
Team met to develop activities to meet science standards for Sycamores science classes.

How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
Team spent time researching project based and activity based classroom activities and potential field experiences for students.

What materials / resources / workshops did you use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
Classroom lab and test activities. Visit to Shakelton Exhibit at Cincinnati Museum Center with both students an d mentoring team.

Based on the past year, what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of your team interactions?
We must continue to develop and refine classroom laboratory and evaluation prcedures/

Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
The nature of our opportunituies for collaboratoion make it unrealisticto estimate total time of collaboration. Any estimate made would be extremely rough at best.

Additional reflections:
Much of the collaboration with my support team has been in development of new activities related to National and state science standards. Polar links have been developed as appropriate. We have also spent a significant amount of time working with preservice teachers in the development of classroom activities and application of standards for futurte teachers. I believe that this aspect of our collaboration to be as important if not more so that our contirbutions to our own classrooms.