TEA Collaborative Learning Group Overview of Plan
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Team Members:
David and Paula Cordes
Dee Hellmers
Sarah van Os
What is your role within your team?
What professional growth goals do you and your team members hope to reach through this partnership?
We all want to become inquiry, research-based, hands-on teachers not just in the area of science, but integrating science into all subject areas.
How will you and your team reflect on these goals and on learning and classroom practice (e.g., pedagogy, the use of technology, content, the process of science)?
curriculum and state standards
Mentoring Plan (Revised from Orientation)
I have new associates and mentees so I am hoping that they will not leave teaching or retire before my TEA mentoring time is up. I want my mentees to follow me all the way through the process. I think that they will benenfit the most that way.