TEA Collaborative Learning Group Annual Report
Kolb 2002
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How did your work with your team help you meet the professional growth goals you
set for yourself?
My goals were met through our team approach focusing on inquiry hands-on science in the development of polar activities, their implementation/field-testing, and the professional rejuvenation and satisfaction achieved through strengthened and successful teaching.
How did your work with your team impact your content knowledge and pedagogy?
We have very different teaching experiences, training and styles—this is positive and mutually beneficial because we learn from each other.
What materials / resources / workshops did you
use / produce / host with your team members over the last year?
Materials Used:
School district’s essential learnings in science document
Roger Bybee’s THE FIVE Es
TEA activities template
TEA website and Internet searches
MANICE document
TEA manual
Activities Produced with Protégé (over the years of our association we have developed the following 5 Activities):
Ice Core Secrets
Polar Chains and Webs
Nutrition Expedition: An Investigation of Nutritional Requirements under Extreme Conditions
Global Scales An Investigation of Barometric Pressure and Gravitational Pull: Does It Influence Body Weight?
Today’s Forecast: Graphing Temperature Data
Activities Field-Tested with Protégé (including some of his colleagues):
All of the above activities have now been field tested/implemented
Activity produced with the TEA Activities Workshop, Madison, team and shared with my protégé (he has since implemented it):
To Be Salty Sea Ice Or Not To Be Salty Sea Ice, That Is The Question: An Introduction To Sea Ice At The Polar Regions
Based on the past year,
what ideas do you have to improve the effectiveness of
your team interactions?
It’s difficult to coordinate my protégé’s extremely full schedule beyond meeting with just the two of us to include other TEAs/Associates in the area. During this year, I made long-range plans, but members of the TEA and TEA Associate team have cancelled (scheduling conflicts, illness, family issues) as the time nears.
Total hours of collaboration with each team member:
Rick Griffith:
86.5 meeting hours plus 8.65 hours (10 percent) email and telephone communications time equals:
95.15 Total Hours
Previously Mentored:
Rolf Tremblay, TEA 2000
Valerie Sloane, TEA 1999
Suggested number of mentoring hours for both Rolf and Valerie completed and submitted to TEA as of 1999.
TEA Partnering:
Rolf Tremblay, our continued TEA partnering interactions are on-going and informal.
Additional reflections:
NOTE: Report updated through 2002 and submitted January 6, 2003