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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
FINAL Report


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Name of Team Member:         Total Collaborative Hours:
Steve Holman100
Graham Dey100
Chasity Malatesta100

Overall, in what ways did your collaboration with your team impact your professional growth? (e.g., how did this work impact your approach to and understanding of: content knowledge, pedagogy, process of science, teaching standards, use of technology, etc.)?
Collaborating with teachers added to the many ways I teach. I learned much more about scientific inquiry from my mentees. We all teach differently and this helped me from sticking to the same old ways of teaching.

In what ways do you think your colleagues were impacted by being a part of this collaborative team?
I brought back unique experiences. Being able to quickly provide a contact for ice cracking, or ozone holes, or even diving was invaluable. The field experience brought to the team a sense of respect for teachers. we learned, and brought a sense of respect to our department as well. We are known as the high school that does research throughout oregon, and this program was certainly a large part of that.

How does this experience compare to / contrast with other professional interactions you have had with your colleagues?
without the program, I would not have been able to get additional grant money in the variety of grants I wrote. I think by gelling together as a group we are able to look back at common memories and this bonding helps us immensely. I would not compare it to other experiences because there is no comparison, this was certainly unique and rewarding.

Overall, what were the most significant outcomes of the mentoring experience?
Research. Bottom line. we are now able to coordinate better, we know what the other can do. We have breadth in chemistry, physics, biology. When kids need to do a project, they can find the experience in the teachers first, then link to the experts in the field.

What do you believe are the key elements to a successful mentoring experience?
communication, common prep time, not doing things excessively, making sure that you can humanly do what you want to do, and make it fun.

What recommendations do you have for other TEAs who are working with colleagues to transfer their TEA experience?
I would recommend that you transfer you experience in meaningful ways, look for what you already do and supplement it with your experience, it then takes a life of its own.

What, if any, resources/products were created by your team? How can we best make these available to the broader TEA community?
we did not post anything on the web. I can only say that the TEA community would be best to make an email request if they have any questions or general queeries.

What are your recommendations for improving or modifying the mentoring experience?
I think trust would be the first thing. I did not feel we were trusted in our duties to fulfill our obligations to the NSF. signing a contract is not the way to build trust. I would not do that to my students. constant communication with positive reinforcement is the way to build trust. we are limited in time, we want to do the best we can, make it easier on us.

Additional Reflections:
Thank you TEA, if anyone is reading this. This was a highlight of a wonderful life of teaching.