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TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Team Meetings


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Date: 12/12/2001
Duration: 1 hour
Location: South Pole
Parcticipants: Jason Petula, Dan Austin, Maria O'Boyle, Karen Kutish

Goal(s) of Meeting
TEA broadcast to the high school

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?

Additional reflections:

Date: 12/17/2001
Duration: 1 hour
Location: South Pole
Parcticipants: Jason Petula, Dan Austin, Maria O'Boyle, Karen Kutish

Goal(s) of Meeting
TEA broadcast to Seattle

Overview of Session (e.g., resources used, discussion points, next steps, etc.):

How did your team address pedagogy, content, the process of science, and the use of technology during the session?

Additional reflections: