5 December, 2002
5 December, 2002
Up early to snoop around. I got over to the pole in front of the
dome. Well, BOTH poles, because there's an official one, more of a
stake, and the ceremonial one with the mirror ball. Took the
mandatory pictures, and more besides. Still feeling slow & stupid
from the altitude, but had a tasty breakfast, did some email, ran
into Bai, and we made plans to meet for lunch and go over to the
SPASE (South Pole Air Shower Experiment) hut with my portable cosmic
ray detector. Bai nearly insisted I go back to bed for a while. He
was feeling pretty good on his second day, and had a very full
agenda, so he did a lot of digging that afternoon. It took him 2 days
to recover. So I took his advice and went to work on movies (yes) and
have a nap (no, computer troubles).
I talked to Bill McAfee, the local Tech guy, and laid out my
ambitious and insane kite aerial photography project (concerns about
radio interference from my transmitter), and QuickTime streaming
server projects. Not a problem! Very easy guy to talk to, and was
very willing to help get it done.
Internet connection here is actually FASTER than McMurdo! At least
when the satellites are up, which is somewhat less than 12 hours a
After lunch, Bai & I got a shuttle (Ford van) over to the Jamesway to
pick up the cosmic ray detector, and walked the last quarter mile out
to the SPASE Hut, an elevated structure on the edge of the civilized
world that is the South Pole. If you walked past the SPASE hut, you
could walk over a thousand miles of snow before you got to the coast.
(and then what, you might ask?)
Along the way, we stopped at a 1,000 gallon tank that was installed
by TEA Jason Petula last year. There are numerous questions about
this tank that can only be answered by inspecting it. Did the ice
freeze clear? That's important, because charged parcticles create
faint light in the ice, and with air bubbles, that light won't be
detected. Did the ice contract and expand and crack with the changing
temperature? More than a meter of snow has drifted over it since last
year. Bai's been digging it out, and has done a Herculean task
(though more awaits us tomorrow).
The pole is really flat, and anything that sticks up collects drift
around it. The bulldozers have been going 24/7 around the pole
station, building drift walls from snow as high as a house.
Bai dug some more, and I installed my detector. Thank you, Hans, my
electronics guru from the University of Washington! It works! Bai
came back in,and we used the oscilloscope to look at the detector
PMTs (photomultiplier tubes, the ubiquitous light sensing devices
that lie at the heart of every cosmic ray project I've worked on). We
discussed some experiments we could run using the detector, and
headed over to MAPO, the Martin Pomerantz Polar Observatory, to look
Christian Speiring was there, and walked me through the current
project: a somewhat tedious calibration of AMANDA's 600+ PMTs using a
laser sent through fiber optic to trigger the PMT, and observing the
timing of the return signal. When ICECUBE is installed, it will be be
all digital, and this brute force approach will not be required. Phew!
There's about 10 other experiments in MAPO, and I'll try to describe
them in more detail in upcoming journals. But you'll be interested to
know that somebody from the Art Institute of Pittsburg designed a
"snow bike," and sent it to the pole, and it was sitting outside
MAPO, and Bai & I tried to ride it. It's geared incredibly low, so
it's impossible to get going except by riding down a ramp. And then
you have to pedal like an insane monkey. Back to the drawing board,
Dinner, and career talk with Bai, and a peek at the greenhouse. Bai
wintered over here one year ( the famous doctor medevac winter,
actually), and he said the greenhouse was really important. That's
pretty easy to believe.
-- Eric Muhs
From somewhere near the South Pole
December 2002
To see movies, quicktime vrs, sound files, panoramic pix :
To read journals and see pix: ../tea_muhsfrontpage.html

Yours truly from the mirror ball used to mark the pole. Well, the fake pole, the one that, according to Bai, Canadians paid $25,000 apiece to fly into for 3 hours and get their pictures taken.

This is the marker for the real pole. A new one is made every year, and located January 1st. The ice is slowly moving....

A lovely view of the "fake" or "ceremonial" pole. This is right outside the entrance to the dome, and the flags are of the nations that are signatories of the Antarctic Treaty, which has preserved Antarctica as a research zone.

This is Bai Xinhua, my friend and colleague. He has been to the pole several times, including a winterover. He would often come to the greenhouse and site and read for a few hours during the 6 months of darkness. The most beautiful thing, he said, was the sky at night: the millions of stars, the aurora, but especially the moon. He was lost for words when trying to describe the quality of the moonlight on the snow. I can attest that the quality of sunlight here is unlike any place I've been. Bright like a welding torch.

This is a pole bike, made by the Art Institute of Pittsburg. Does it work ? Well, walking is easier...
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