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20 October, 2004Polar News: Earth Science Ology, New Book, Research Updates, and More! Climate Change a Focus of New NSF-Supported Research on How Decisions are Made in a World of Uncertainty Arlington, Va.- Five interdisciplinary research teams will share some $25 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) over the next five years to study important aspects of problems associated with understanding climate-related decisions under uncertainty. http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/newsroom/pr.cfm?ni=15100000000115 *************************************************** OLogy, the American Museum of Natural History's science-rich website for kids, is pleased to announce the launch of its newest section on Earth science! Check out Earth: Our World in Motion at http://ology.amnh.org. In Earth OLogy, you'll find engaging interactives, activities, and arcticles including: Plates on the Move Explore how the power of tectonic plates form mountains, volcanoes, oceans, and earthquakes. If Rocks Could Talk Meet some fascinating rocks from the Museum in these interviews by geologist Rondi Davies. Every rock has a story to tell, and every story gives us clues about the history of the Earth. Journey to the Deep Sea Vents Travel down to the bottom of the ocean with geologist Ro Kinzler to investigate this sunless world and the amazing diversity of life at deep sea vents. and More! ************************************************** Head Lice Study Supports Direct Contact Between Modern and Archaic Humans New research showing that lice evolve with the people they infest demonstrates that a now-extinct species of human, Home erectus, came into direct contact with modern humans, Homo sapiens. That contact happened as recently as 25,000 years ago. http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/newsroom/pr.cfm?ni=15100000000122 ************************************************** National Science Digital Library Creates "New Pathways" Projects add user-tailored access to resources for research and education Arlington, Va.-Philadelphia kindergarten teacher, Varnelle Moore, is teaching her youngest students to understand spatial experiences, story content and how to talk out ideas. Moore is able to do this because of her access to resources and hands-on support from the Math Forum at Drexel University, a partner of the Mathematical Association of America's (MAA) Mathematical Sciences Digital Library. Part of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) National Science Digital Library (NSDL), the project makes it simple for Moore and other teachers to take full advantage of a new bridge between math, science and education. http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/newsroom/pr.cfm?ni=15100000000123 ************************************************** Arctic Research of the United States, Spring /Summer 2004 issue now available at http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2004/nsf0448/start.htm ************************************************** New Book Available "Ilulissat Icefjord" Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) Edited By: Ole Bennike, Naja Mikkelsen, Henrik Klinge Pedersen, and Anker Weidick Photographs By: Jakob Lautrup English Version: "Ilulissat Icefjord" ISBN 87-7871-136-3 Danish Version: "Ilulissat Isfjord" ISBN 87-7871-134-7 Greenlandic Version: "Kangia eqqaalu" ISBN 87-7871-137-1 To order the book, please contact the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland: E-mail: geus@geus.dk For further information on the book, please go to: http://www.geus.dk/cgi-bin/webbasen_nyt_uk.pl?id=1096362561|cgifunction=form
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