8 November, 2001
Weekly Climate Summary - South Pole Station, Antarctica
02 November 2001 through 08 November 2001 UTC
Average temp... -33.0°C /-27.4°F
Maximum temp... -22.6°C /-8.7°F on day 7
Minimum temp... -40.0°C /-40.0°F on day 3
Average wind speed.......... 14.4 mph or 12.5 knots
Prevailing wind direction... Grid Northwest
Maximum wind speed.......... 31 mph or 27 knots on day 6
Maximum wind direction...... Grid Northwest
Average vectored wind....... 335 degrees at 9.3 knots
Station Pressure:
Average pressure... 683.9 mbs
Highest pressure... 691.3 mbs on day 8
Lowest pressure.... 677.8 mbs on day 5
Average physio-alt = 10481 ft/ 3195 m
Highest physio-alt = 10711 ft/ 3265 m on day 5
Lowest physio-alt = 10205 ft/ 3110 m on day 8
Sky Cover:
Average cloud cover (8ths)... 8
Days clear................... 0
Days partly cloudy........... 0
Days cloudy.................. 7
Sunset on 22 March 2002
Average hours per day... 6.0
Percent of possible..... 25
2 days with visibility of 1/4 mile or less.
Balloon flight data:
Number of soundings for the week..... 14
Average height of soundings.......... 19.3 mb, or 29451 meters
Highest sounding..................... 4.0 mb, or 36917 meters
on day 03/00Z flight
0 Soundings were missed.
14 Soundings were terminated due to balloon burst.
Day 2 - The maximum temperature of -30.1C/-22.2F broke the previous daily
record high of
-30.5C/-22.9F set in 1982.
Day 4 - The maximum temperature of -30.1C/-22.2F broke the previous daily
record high of
-32.6C/-26.7F set in 1999.
Day 7 - The maximum temperature of -22.6C/-8.7F broke the previous daily
record high of
-28.6C/-19.5F set in 1997.
Day 8 - The maximum temperature of -30.8C/-23.4F broke the previous daily
record high of
-32.2C/-26.0F set in 1978.
Katie Wallet
Supervisor of Science
Spotsylvania County Schools
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