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24 July, 2003REVEL CRUISE The REVEL Project - Research and Education: Volcanoes, Exploration and Life - has selected eight science teachers in 2003 to do sea-going research alongside scientists and bring cutting-edge deep-sea research to students, colleagues and the public! From July 24 to August 24, 2003 the program is providing four REVELers an opportunity to sail on the Research Vessel Thomas G. Thompson. We invite you to follow their sea-going experiences on the Internet. These teachers will parcticipate in remote operated operations in the deep-sea with an international team of scientists studying plate tectonic processes and hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor of the Pacific Ocean. Follow their sea-going adventures on the daily logbook of the expedition at http://www.ocean.washington.edu/outreach/revel And send questions to teachers and scientists at sea at revel@ocean.washington.edu With the REVEL Project, teachers journey on the open ocean and parcticipate in deep-sea field research. The REVEL teacher (REVELer) works closely with scientists, is involved in cutting-edge science and technology, and is immersed in the process of science. Supporting this seagoing experience are professional development opportunities through which REVELers increase content knowledge, enhance teaching skills, transfer the experience to the classroom, assume leadership roles, and collaborate with a network of researchers and education professionals. The REVEL Project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Directorate of Geosciences, Division of Ocean Sciences and the Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education. Additional support comes from the University of Washington, ChevronTexaco and Paul Henshaw. The project is facilitated by the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington in Seattle. ############################################################################### Arctic Blue Books (British Parliamentary Papers on Arctic Exploration) Now Available Online For more information see: http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/arcticbb/index.shtml The University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections would like to announce the establishment of the Arctic Blue Books Online. Dating from 1818- 1878, the Arctic Blue Books are volumes consisting of the British Parliamentary Papers relating to arctic exploration. With the support of the Winnipeg Foundation, the 6000 plus pages of the Arctic Blue Books were scanned and mounted on the web early this year. As well as documenting the exploration of the Canadian Arctic, they contain material relating to topics such as native communities, living conditions on ships, expeditions, meteorological observations, the status of commercial whaling, botanical discoveries, and many other subjects. The wealth of information they contain is accessible via Andrew Taylor's extensive index, to which the online Arctic Blue Books are linked. Search the index and/or look at the Arctic Blue Books Online at: http://www.umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/arcticbb/index.shtml ############################################################################## Behavior of Arctic Ocean Ridge Confounds Predictions; May Lead to New Insights into Crust Foundation NSF News Release http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/03/pr0367.htm ############################################################################### "History of the Austrian Polar Exploration" CD-ROM Available (English/German) For more information and to order a copy, please visit: http://www.arctic.at Just in time for the 130th anniversary of the discovery of Franz Josef Land on 30 August 1873, the CD-ROM "History of the Austrian Polar Exploration" has been published by the Arctic Research Consortium Austria. For more information and to order a copy, please visit: http://www.arctic.at Or contact: Hermann F. Koerbel Arctic Research Consortium Austria Vienna, Austria, EU Email: office@arctic.at ############################################################################### VECO NEWSLETTER If you haven't done so already, VECO Polar Resources invites you to visit our web site and check out our weekly Newsletter http://www.vecopolar.com (then select Newsletter). In it we provide short, informal updates about what's currently happening at stations and with science projects we support in Alaska, Greenland, and all over the Arctic. ############################################################################## Scientists Announce First 3-D Assembly of Magnetic and Semiconducting Nanoparcticles NSF News Release http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/03/pr0368.htm ############################################################################## The June 2003 issue of Polar Research is now available, containing proceedings of the Workshop on Sea Ice Extent and the Global Climate System http://www.npolar.no The latest issue of Polar Research, the journal of the Norwegian Polar Institute, contains peer-reviewed papers stemming from the Workshop on Sea Ice Extent and the Global Climate System. This ACSYS/CliC workshop took place in Toulouse, France, 15-17 April 2002. By clicking on "Mer..." under the announcement on the Institute's home page at http://www.npolar.no you will find out how to access the abstracts and some PDFs of complete arcticles. Print copies of the issue can be purchased for 250 NOK (goldman@npolar.no). ################################################################################ Scientists Discover Planetary System Similar to Our Own NSF News Release http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/03/pr0373.htm ################################################################################
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