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2 August, 2001

Weekly Climate Summary - 07/27 to 08/02 2001, South Pole Station, Antarctica


Average Temp... -69.6°C / -93.3°F

Maximum Temp... -64.2°C / -83.6°F on day 27

Minimum Temp... -75.7°C / -104.3°F on day 02


Average wind speed.......... 10.7 mph or 9.3 knots

Prevailing wind direction... Grid East

Maximum wind speed.......... 21 mph or 18 knots on day 31

Maximum wind direction...... Grid East

Average vectored wind....... 102 degrees at 9.1 knots

Station Pressure:

Average pressure... 668.4 mbs

Highest pressure... 677.4 mbs on day 29

Lowest pressure.... 656.5 mbs on day 02


Average physio-alt = 11069 ft/ 3374 m

Highest physio-alt = 11527 ft/ 3513 m on day 02

Lowest physio-alt = 10726 ft/ 3269 m on day 29

Sky Cover:

Average cloud cover (8ths)... 0

Days clear................... 7

Days partly cloudy........... 0

Days cloudy.................. 0


Sunrise on 22 September 2001

Average hours per day... 0.0

Percent of possible..... 0


0 days with visibility of 1/4 mile or less.

Balloon flight data:

Number of soundings for the period... 6

Average height of soundings.......... 132.4 mb, or 14593 meters Highest sounding..................... 23.0 mb, or 22125 meters

on day 28/00Z flight

1 sounding was missed.

6 soundings were terminated due to balloon burst.


Day 30 - The daily minimum temperature of -75.1°C / -103.2°F broke the previous daily record of -74.5°C / -102.1°F set in 1962.

Day 02 - The minimum daily temperature of -75.7°C / -104.3°F broke the previous daily record of -74.2°C / -101.6°F set in 1986.

Katie Wallet

Supervisor of Science

Spotsylvania County Schools

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