13 December, 2001
"A Day in the Life of a Meteorite Hunter"
If the title, "Meteorite Hunter", brings to mind visions of Indian Jones or
Laura Croft, Tomb Raider, think again. Here's what a typical day in the
life of a meteorite hunter "really" looks like.
6:30am Oh, my goodness, there's the alarm. How can it be morning already
when it never was night?! Time to start the gas stoves to heat up this
tent!. What is it, a balmy 0 degrees today?
7:15am The water's boiling. It's time for breakfast: instant tomato
soup, hot chocolate, and a granola bar (only partially frozen). Yum! We
top it off with juice that states on the box: "Serve well chilled". Since
it's still frozen, I guess we're in the ballpark.
7:45am Time for a run to the "poop" tent. Nuts, the black flag is up
outside the tent. Someone's in there. Guess I'll have to wait in line.
8:00am Gotta get dressed. Let's see: long underwear, fleece layer over
that, wind bib, sock liners, socks, 10 lb. bunny boots, parka, glove
liners, gloves, balaklava, cap, neck gator, and finally goggles. 20
minutes later and I'm good to go!. Oh, no! I have to pee again!
8:45am Everyone on the team is scrambling (stumbling) out of their
tents. The early risers have been up for awhile. The rest of us get busy
packing up our skidoos (there's Charlie, Biscuit, Gravy--among others).
9:00am Huddle time! It's time to meet with our team to plan our work
day. The work site is up for a vote. The vote is tied, so a short
wrestling match between our two leaders determines the site.
9:15am We're "on the road" for an hour's ride to our first search
site. What would appear to be a "lovely skidoo ride" over snow-covered ice
is, in fact, very challenging.
The packed ice is actually sastrugi. Beautifully carved by the wind,
sastrugi can actually be wicked! What may appear to be an innocent sand
dune on one side, could very well have a sastrugi cliff edge on the
other. Riding over these can be dangerous and is definitely
uncomfortable! (Forget Suzanne Summers and her thigh master. If you want
firm thighs, sastrugi riding is for you!)
If that wasn't enough to watch for, the ice is also riddled with crevasses
filled in with snow (snow bridges). The crevasses range from a few inches
to several feet wide and a few feet to several hundred feet deep. It
doesn't take much to break open a snow bridge, so every effort is made to
avoid them, or at least ride perpendicular to them.
9:42am While avoiding the sastrugi and crevasses, a team member sights a
meteorite out of the corner of her eye. (Yes, gentlemen, "she". Meteorite
hunting is part of a women's world, too.) The OC (ordinary
chondrite)--which looks very much like a charcoal briquette--is quickly
measured, photoed, bagged, and tagged.
9:52am We're on our way again.
10:00am In spite of the increasing overcast weather, another team member
spots our second meteorite of the day--a small OC The record keeping
begins with several team members sprawled on their stomachs to complete the
"bagging and tagging". Our PI hums a happy little tune.
10:10am We continue on our way to the search site, carefully riding over
minor sastrugi and avoiding the wider crevasses.
10:20am We arrive at our search site and stop to rearrange our positions
for a systematic sweep of the ice field. Lined up side-by-side about 50
feet apart, we slowly begin traversing the field. Because we are far from
any terrestrial rock, any rock sighted here would more than ikely be a rock
from space!
We travel slowly across the field searching for any rock in sight. Every
few hundred feet our "wing men" must pull out staked flags that mark last
year's search site on one side, and put in new flags on the other side to
mark this year's search.
10:30am It is at our first "flag stop" that a team member discovers a
"flaky" rock. We know right away that she's found one because she's
jumping up and down and wildly waving her arms. The specimen is another
chondrite, but it must be foil wrapped to prevent it from falling apart.
By now everyone is happy, and the discussion veers toward sightings of
lions, tiger, and gorillas . . .
Continued at a later date . . . and the day has just begun!

Stoves must be lit before there's any breakfast or heat! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! http://greetings.yahoo.com

Nancy demonstrates her finesse at putting on her bunny boots. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! http://greetings.yahoo.com

We line up for a systematic search of an ice field. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Send your FREE holiday greetings online! http://greetings.yahoo.com
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.