28 June, 2000
28 June 2000
Captain’s Closing Comments and a Fond Farewell
Tomorrow morning we arrive in Iceland. Today’s journal, the final one,
will introduce you to the Captain of USCGC Healy, CAPT Jeffrey M. Garrett.
He is a long time Coast Guard veteran with a history of service, steeped in
icebreaker experience. A product of the Coast Guard Academy, CAPT Garrett
has now served on five different icebreakers from the Great Lakes, to the
Antarctic, to the Arctic. He went straight from the Academy to the
precommissioning of USCGC Polar Star. Service on the USCGC Burton Island
took him to Antarctica twice and the Arctic once. The Captain then served
the Guard in Valdez, Alaska involved in vessel traffic service during the
early days of operation of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. From Valdez, he went
to Naval Post-Graduate School in Monterey, CA and then it was off to
Headquarters where he served on the Ice Operations Staff. His first role as
Captain came on the Great Lakes icebreaker USCGC Mobile Bay. Then it was
back to HQ, on to Port Angeles aboard USCGC Active, then XO on USCGC Polar
Star, back to school at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, then to
Captain of the USCGC Polar Sea. His assignment to USCGC Healy completes the
triumvirate of Coast Guard Polar Capable Icebreakers.
It has been a long haul, but a very successful one, since CAPT Garrett
started working with the HEALY. Starting as a part-time project while
serving on USCGC Polar Sea and then as a full time assignment beginning in
July 1998, the Captain has had the full experience of “bringing a complex
system of systems together” to become the ship the HEALY is today. In
regards to the ice trials and science testing phases, he describes the
results as “very, very successful”. He is very pleased with that fact that
USCGC Healy exceeds icebreaking specifications and with how well the science
testing went. After they reach Seattle in August, they will have until
April to work out kinks, like the winch operation issues, that were
identified during the testing phase. The Coast Guard will also use this
time to do all the routine maintenance done on any breaker that has spent a
season bashing its way through ice more than a meter thick.
As far as the Captain’s view about teachers being on board his vessel, he
has nothing but positive things to say about the experience. Tim Buckley of
Barrow sailed on USCGC Polar Sea in 1996 and again in 1998 while Captain
Garrett was in charge. Sandra Kolb set the stage for teachers aboard USCGC
Healy during the ice testing, and each of the teachers that followed found a
crew used to having someone around asking lots of questions and doing lots
of interviews. I know that I have been made to feel quite at home, and a
part of the processes taking place on this ship. When asked about future
teachers on the HEALY, Captain Garrett explained that he “would look to do
it again”. Some teacher, or teachers, in the future will be very, very
fortunate to share in the experiences to be found aboard this highly
innovative vessel, the Coast Guard’s newest icebreaker, and most advanced
scientific research platform, USCGC Healy.
In closing, I would like to thank the Captain and all his crew for a
fantastic experience these past three weeks. I would also like to thank Dr.
Lisa Clough who has been our guide and advocate during our time on board.
Dr. Larry Lawver, our geologic mentor, provided me with a wealth of
information and ideas to take back to my Geology and Oceanography classes.
Several individuals have provided information that filled in many of the
gaps I didn’t even know were there - Dr. Jim Swift, chief scientist, Jack
Bash, former director of UNOLS, Captain Parsons, retired USCG captain, and
our roommate, Bob Whritner, meteorologist extraordinaire. Jim Arias and Joe
Farmer of NCSS provided many tales to make one seasick, but fortunately
never succeeded. Thanks to Jerry Oldham for access to an enormous
collection of photos. To all of you I have forgotten to name, thanks to you
as well. Without all of these people, I would not have had the depth or
breadth of experience I have enjoyed. Without the sponsorship of the
National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs and Division of
Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Science Education, this whole trip would
not have been possible. Thanks to Stephanie Shipp and Deb Meese of Teachers
Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic for the opportunity to parcticipate in
TEA. Finally, thanks to Dr. Kelly Falkner of OSU for getting TEA and USCGC
Healy connected.
For those of you who have followed these journals, I hope that in your
lifetimes you are treated to the same kind of thrills that seeing a narwhal,
watching a polar bear with cubs, or sailing through Prins Christian Sund has
provided me while having the opportunity to parcticipate in scientific
research (even if it was just testing). If you have other questions or
would like to get in touch with me after the cruise, contact me at the
location below. Good Bye and have a Great Summer, Jay Schauer
Jay Schauer
Wilsonville High School
P.O. box 3770
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Ph: 503-673-7669
E-mail: schauerj@wlwv.k12.or.us <mailto:schauerj@wlwv.k12.or.us>

Present and Past: Captain Jeffrey Garrett and Captain Mike Healy, The Ship’ s Namesake
Contact the TEA in the field at
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