9 November, 1999
Moving in at McMurdo!
Living and working at McMurdo Station is a real exciting and different
experience. After one exits the plane and is driven to the town from the
ice field where the plane lands, we are directed to a meeting room for
debriefing and room assignments. There are several kinds of rooms available.
They are assigned according to how long you will be in town and into which
"category" you fit. Grantees (scientists) are called beakers and if they
will be going into the field they are assigned rooms in the "Hotel
California", a barracks with one large bathroom on each floor for all to
share. Those rooms are tiny and not meant for long-term housing. Another
type of housing has a shared bathroom between two two-person rooms that are
larger with a nice desk/clothing bureau in one unit. I will include some
photos of my room and you can decide which one I have.
One very nice service at McMurdo Station is that a wonderful cooking crew
does all of the food preparation. The large cafeteria serves four meals per
day with a vegetarian option at all meals.
There are plenty of "freshies" a term given to the times when the planes
bring in fresh fruit from New Zealand. The tomatoes are vine ripened and
are truly delicious. I have had excellent pears, mandarin oranges, snappy
apples, bananas and grapes in less than a week. The milk, however, is a
different story. It is made from powder and is interesting. There is no
charge for the food since it is part of the support for a project. For most
of us there is no commute to work either. One simply walks a few yards from
the dorm to the galley to the lab and back. Close proximity to work saves
lots of time when compared with commuting to work daily in rush hour
traffic. When commuting is necessary to get into the deep field, it is
usually accomplished by boarding a Herc130 cargo prop plane. If the field
site is closer, then a helicopter is the vehicle of choice. Sometimes
snowmobiles or other all-terrain vehicles are used.
My office in the Crary lab is in the LTER office and is quite comfortable.
The library is state of the art with current journals and good web access to
any information that one might need. I am doing the preparation work for my
workshops here in the office and reading up on all the fantastic science
projects that are happening.
From the various photos that I post, you can tell that the weather changes
rapidly and goes from clear to snow in a few hours. For recreation, one can
rent cross country skies or mountain bikes to go exploring. However, one
must stay on the marked trails because there are crevasses with snow cover
making them impossible to see. If one were to step on the wrong one, it can
not support your weight and you would fall in and possible be killed.
Safety is takes very seriously here. Training schools are given before
anyone can venture out to explore the area. Time for the teacher to be the
Student questions - If you were the head cook and had to order food for
about 1000 people for about four months, how could you plan the order? How
much would you need to order? What would you order? If much of the food
cane to McMurdo Station by cargo ship, what would you put on the ship?
Remember that you get to eat this food too and you want people to be happy
with you! What food would you request be shipped on the Herc130 planes or
the jets as long as they can land on the ice runway?

Dorm room.

Barb in the LTER office.

Contact the TEA in the field at
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TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.