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26 November, 2002

Data Table - Island Wood site Near Greenhouse

Hi: I have a task for you. Follow the link below to a table of data that gives the time of direct sunlight to the Island Wood site near the greenhouse in Washington State. This is near Puget Sound. In the previous picture you saw a grid of the solar pathway. Look carefully at this table. What information can you get from looking carefully at the numbers? Find a friend with whom you can discuss what you discovered.

Follow this link to Island Wood table: http:tea.rice.edu/schulz/islandtable.html

Tomorrow I will give you a similar grid from our Taylor Valley in Antarctica.

<> Dr. Laurie Connell in McMurdo with mascot flag Laurie Connell is the Principal Investigator for this research project. We are studying the role of yeast in the soil ecosystem in the Taylor Valley, a part of the Royal Society Mountain Range in Antarctica. Why do you think this is the best place to study yeast in this location?

<> Rodney reindeer, Bobo Bear and Mr.Badger come along on all of Dr.Connell's research trips. They are world travelers.

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