9 November, 1999
Flying Through Time
It’s always an ordeal traveling from the islands. No matter how short the
flight from Seattle, just getting there without missing any connections,
whether seaplane or ferry, takes some planning. By the time I left Orcas, then
flew south from Los Angeles, over twelve hours had passed. Not bad for what
ordinarily takes only two and a half-hours… I caught up with Jean Roberts,
another TEA, in the United Airlines lobby where she was meeting members of the
Mt. Erebus crew. She introduced me to her team and suddenly this heading south
started to seem real. We were at our first major jumping off point- flying over
the Pacific. From there I had another cramped twelve and a half hour stretch to
Auckland, which was made bearable only by the company of my seat mate, Gregg,
one of the helicopter pilots working out of McMurdo. The more tired I grew, the
smaller the seat became. I envied Gregg his ability to sleep bolt upright. We
chatted about Antarctica and airplane food straight through Monday as we
crossed the International Date Line. That was wild! From Monday to Tuesday and
back three hours all in an instant!
When we finally got to Christchurch at 11:00 a.m., we were instructed to come
back at 2:00 for our extreme cold weather clothing issue. The Clothing
Distribution Center is a warehouse full of all the cold weather gear anyone
traveling with the U.S. Antarctic Program needs to stay safe on the ice. Prior
to my arrival, I had sent my clothing sizes for everything from hat to boot.
After our brief orientation, the women went into a large dressing room where
two bags full of gear were set out for each of us. Each bag contained
approximately thirty items, all of which needed to fit properly. For those of
you who’ve seen the gear, or maybe even tried it on, you can guess how quickly
you can start to overheat. To get the parka to fit correctly, you have to be
wearing all the under-layers first. As the Goldilocks story sort of goes,
everything needs to fit just right, or you risk exposure to unwelcome cold. I’m
not sure if I broke some CDC record, but I must have exchanged almost
everything in my bag at least once. The CDC folks were unfailingly patient,
though, and not quite three hours later, I was packed to go.
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Before heading south, I stayed at the Windsor Private Hotel- a friendly bed and breakfast in Christchurch.
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