15 December, 2000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"
On Thursday night many of the people on station joined Heidi Geisz
and Jeff Bechtel in a lesson on tie-dyeing. We were taught a variety
of methods to get various designs and then we got to work. Within an
hour I had completed my two t-shirts and had them stored for Friday
night's rinse out.
We worked in teams to rinse the shirts, towels and socks and then
tossed them in the washer and dryer. At 11 p.m. we were all looking
at our new creations. Saturday was identified as Tie-Dye day. All
parcticipants wore them and stood for group photos after the station
meeting. All station personnel work long hours and enjoy these short
reprieves from their duties.
I now everyone would like to know what the vote is. I had a
tremendous amount of e-mail the last few days from groups and
individuals voting. My school voted 267 to 23 to toss me in. I guess
my students really love me. So the final totals are 359 to jump and
47 to not jump. As I promised I will jump in the water and give you a
full description. Unfortunately the weather has turned bad and we are
experiencing a 20 - 30 knot wind so I will try to make the leap
tomorrow or Monday. I had psyched myself up for the leap into the
unknown tonight but will try to stay focused for the leap.
I'm really tired today. I was packing boxes for my departure and
stayed up until 2 am the night before to finish. I was carrying over
the last box at 1:45 am and noticed the beautiful sunset. Today, I
filtered water and showed Sarah how to take the ice pictures and
tomorrow I will train her on running chlorophylls. She will be taking
over many of my jobs since I will be departing next week. I also have
heard that there is a blonde penguin over at Torgersen island. I hope
to get over there tomorrow to see for myself and to get some more
pictures of babies to share with you.
As your humble servant my days are growing short. If you would like
further information on a topic please drop me an e-mail.
Please stop by tomorrow to see if I was able to take the plunge.
-- Bill
Content-Type: text/enriched; charset="us-ascii"
On Thursday night many of the people on station joined Heidi Geisz and
Jeff Bechtel in a lesson on tie-dyeing. We were taught a variety of
methods to get various designs and then we got to work. Within an hour
I had completed my two t-shirts and had them stored for Friday night's
rinse out.
We worked in teams to rinse the shirts, towels and socks and then
tossed them in the washer and dryer. At 11 p.m. we were all looking at
our new creations. Saturday was identified as Tie-Dye day. All
parcticipants wore them and stood for group photos after the station
meeting. All station personnel work long hours and enjoy these short
reprieves from their duties.
I now everyone would like to know what the vote is. I had a tremendous
amount of e-mail the last few days from groups and individuals voting.
My school voted 267 to 23 to toss me in. I guess my students really
love me. So the final totals are 359 to jump and 47 to not jump. As I
promised I will jump in the water and give you a full description.
Unfortunately the weather has turned bad and we are experiencing a 20 -
30 knot wind so I will try to make the leap tomorrow or Monday. I had
psyched myself up for the leap into the unknown tonight but will try to
stay focused for the leap.
I'm really tired today. I was packing boxes for my departure and stayed
up until 2 am the night before to finish. I was carrying over the last
box at 1:45 am and noticed the beautiful sunset. Today, I filtered
water and showed Sarah how to take the ice pictures and tomorrow I will
train her on running chlorophylls. She will be taking over many of my
jobs since I will be departing next week. I also have heard that there
is a blonde penguin over at Torgersen island. I hope to get over there
tomorrow to see for myself and to get some more pictures of babies to
share with you.
As your humble servant my days are growing short. If you would like
further information on a topic please drop me an e-mail.
Please stop by tomorrow to see if I was able to take the plunge.
-- Bill

Christmas Tree at Palmer Station.

See the full story tomorrow. Tomorrow is where your tie dye day.

Guess what we did on station last night???
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