The Astronomy links do not necessarily include links to all of the
Arctic and Antarctic Research Programs. Many of these programs conduct astronomical
research; please browse the available links in the Polar Resources Arctic and
Antarctic research programs for additional information.
Meteorite Research (NASA). Recently, the National Science Foundation
(NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the
Smithsonian Institution joined in a cooperative program to study Antarctic
meteorites. The NSF, with decades of experience in exploring this harsh
environment, is providing support for field research. NASA and the Smithsonian
Institution are providing for the curation of meteorites recovered from
Antarctica, and all three agencies sponsor research on these valuable specimens.
Antarctic Meteorite
Research Under National Institute of Polar Research, Japan, sponsorship,
the search for more new kinds of meteorites in Antarctica continues.
AMANDA Antarctic Muon
and Neutrino Detector Array that is being constructed at the South Pole.
The purpose is to observe high-energy (~ 1 TeV or 10^12 electron volt) neutrinos
from astrophysical point sources.
Aurora Page Information,
links and images about the "Northern Lights".
Astronomical Site-Testing Observatory The AASTO is a self-contained
observatory. It will conduct a range of site-testing experiments to prepare the way for a future large telescope.
Big Signal
Antarctica 2000 Provides data from the NASA/CMU Robotic Search for
Antarctic Meteorites.
Instruments Inc.Designs and produces instruments for environmental
Cambridge Astronomy - Links to Cambridge
area astronomy resources, including Royal Greenwich Observatory, Institute
of Astronomy, Mullard Radio Astronomy, and the Hubble Space Telescope.
Carnegie Mellon
Astrophysics Peterson Group studies Cosmic Microwave Background
Radiation and its involvement in the Big Bang theory.
Centre de Données astronomiques
de Strasbourg The Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is a data
center dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical
data and related information. It is located at the Strasbourg Astronomical
Observatory, France.
Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison focuses on the development and testing of
the operational utility of new weather satellite observing systems to improve
weather forecasts.
CMB Observations from the
South Pole By the astrophysics group at Carnegie Mellon University.
CMB, or Cosmic Microwave Background, is a uniform glow of microwave radiation
that comes to us from all directions in the sky. It was originally discovered
as an unexplained "hiss" in a telescope used for satellite communication
in the early 60's. Physicists soon surmised that this excess radiation was
a remnant of the Big Bang. The South Pole offers a unique opportunity to
study CMB.
Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica (CARA) Carnegie Mellon University.
Science Links This page contains internet resources in the areas of
Astronomy, Geology and Meteorology.
Viewer View the Earth at any longitude and latitude with pictures
provided by satellites.
European Space Agency (ESA) An
international organization composed of 14 Member States which aims to provide
for and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among
European States in space research and technology and their space applications,
with a view to their being used for scientific purposes and operational
space applications systems.
Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
Space Environment Information Service for the Internet that includes links
to World Data Center (WDC) C2 for Ionosphere and CRL Ionospheric Observatories.
The ionospheric vertical sounding observations have been carried out since
1958 on the routine basis at the Syowa
station, Antarctica.
Ice and Climate Division
of the British Antarctic Survey. The aim of the research undertaken by the
Ice and Climate Division is to understand the present behaviour of the ice-atmosphere-ocean
system in Antarctica and its evolution in the past, and to use this knowledge
to predict future behaviour.
JACEE Long Duration Balloon
The Japanese-American Collaborative Emulsion Experiment includes several
experiments that employ a series of balloon-borne lead-emulsion chambers
designed to directly measure the primary composition and spectra of cosmic
rays at energies in the region of 1TeV-1000TeV.
Jacobsen and Kurt Woschnagg have posted many pictures of their visit to
the South Pole in January of 1997.
Joint Australian
Centre for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica JACARA facilitates Australian
parcticipation in the development of Antarctic astronomy. Currently the major
focus is on site testing to quantify the limitations to astronomical observations
across the spectrum and determine the optimum site for an international
Leeds University Physics and Astronomy
Department is divided into three research groups. One group, The High Energy
Cosmic Ray Group, carries out research with a cosmic ray air shower detector
array situated at the South Pole, Antarctica. The group is also involved
in a world-wide collaborative effort known as the Auger project to build
a much larger array.
Long Duration Ballooning
in Antarctica Scientists with the Space Physics Research Group fly large
balloon-borne X-ray and gamma-ray detectors to observe solar flares and
high energy phenomena such as black holes and neutron stars elsewhere in
the universe.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) The NASA page offers links to areas including space exploration,
understanding Earth's systems, astronomy, meteorology, space technology,
remote sensing and imagry of Earth from space.
National Institute of
Polar Research Oversees scientific ivestigation and logistical support
of investigation in the Arctic and Antarctic. Research group activities
include: upper atmospheric physics, meteorology, glaciology, solid earth
geophysics, geology and geomorphology, antarctic meteorites, marine
biology, terrestrial biology, and polar region engineering.
Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) NSIDC, located at the University of
Colorado, is a data and information resource for those studying snow and
ice, and their importance to the Earth system.
Office of Polar Programs
(OPP) National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF''s programs for support
of research in the Antarctic and the Arctic.
RAL Astrophysics Home Page
Robert Schwarz He is spending his second summer in Antarctica working mainly
with AMANDA.
South African National
Antarctic Programme Scientific studies into upper air-, ionospheric-
and magnetospheric physics are conducted by teams from the Universities
of Potchefstroom and Natal (Durban).
Southampton Astronomy Group
University of South Hampton collection of World Wide Web (WWW) links of
use or interest to astronomers.
South Pole Observatory -- South
Pole, Antarctica One of the Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
(CMDL) sites. South Pole Observatory maintains monitoring programs in greenhouse
and other trace gases, atmospheric aerosols, solar radiation variability,
stratospheric ozone and meteorological parameters, and conducts field programs
to understand chemical changes in the Antarctic region that might impact
climate and global change.
Space Physics and Ansronomy at Rice University
The outreach home page of the Department of Space Physics & Astronomy.
Includes links to other sites of interest including images captured by NASA's
Polar spacecraft (launched to assist in the understanding of "space
weather" surrounding Earth) and the "ask-a-scientist" videoconference.
Space Telescope Science Institute
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a joint mission of the National Aeronautics
and Space Adminsitration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). HST
is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in
Astronomy (AURA) via the Space Telescope Science Institute
of New South Whales The Department of Astropysics and Optics main
page. Thier research consists primarily of cosmology, infra-red astronomy,
Antarctic astronomy and molecular clouds.