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GeologyThe geology links do not necessarily include links to all of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Programs. Many of these programs conduct geological and geophysicsal research; please browse the available links in the Polar Resources Arctic and Antarctic research programs for additional information. American Geophysical Union - Science for Everyone Earth science stories, reports, and images that are specially selected to help convey the wonder of our home planet and beyond. Antarctica DEM and AVHRR Stereo Images (USGS) Center for Geophysical Studies of Ice and Climate CEGSIC, located in the Physics Department at St. Olaf College, is a research project focused toward understanding the response of the world's ice masses to global change. More specifically, CEGSIC utilizes the tools of ice-penetrating radar and satellite imagery to study the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets in various parts of the world. Discovery Channel Online Watch the size of the ice in Antarctica increase and decrease as the month of the year changes. Earth Science Branch of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Includes images of Earth from Space. Earth Science Links This page contains internet resources in the areas of Astronomy, Geology and Meteorology. Geological Society of America Society Glacial Geology Course materials and images compiled by Dr. Thomas Lowell of theUniversity of Cincinatti. Also includes course materials for environmental geology. Global Land Ice Monitoring from Space (GLIMS) A project designed to monitor the world's glaciers primarily using data from the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and reflection Radiometer) instrument aboard the EOS-AM1 spacecraft, scheduled for launch in June 1998. Hamilton College Undergraduate Research in Antarctica This program enables undergraduate students from institutions across the country to become involved in Antarctic scientific work aboard the United States' Antarctic Program's research vessels. The site contains information about current research and past projects conducted by undergraduates. Ice and Climate Division of the British Antarctic Survey. The aim of the research undertaken by the Ice and Climate Division is to understand the present behaviour of the ice-atmosphere-ocean system in Antarctica and its evolution in the past, and to use this knowledge to predict future behaviour. Institute of Crustal Studies UCSB Information about current earthquake activity in Northern California, recent seismic activity, earthquake preparedness, resources for teachers, frequently asked questions, etc. Integrated Earth Information Server of the National Science Foundation. Geosciences. Integrated Earth Information Server (IEIS) built on the infrastructure provided by the nation-wide Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network, in which parcticipating universities are establishing information servers containing a range of earth-related data. Information available includes: current electronic weather maps and bulletins; oceanographic, seismic, and other environmental information; instructional materials to complement the data. Mount Erebus Observatory Homepage - New Mexico Tech Geophysics and Geochemistry, in association with the University of Wellington, New Zealand, operate the NSF-funded Mount Erebus Observatory, which provides seismic and geochemical monitoring of the world's southernmost active volcano. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) The NASA page offers links to areas including space exploration, understanding Earth's systems, astronomy, meteorology, space technology, remote sensing and imagry of Earth from space. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) NSIDC, located at the University of Colorado, is a data and information resource for those studying snow and ice, and their importance to the Earth system. Northern California Earthquake Data Center Office of Polar Programs (OPP) National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF''s programs for support of research in the Antarctic and the Arctic. Rivers and Streams of Antarctica (USGS) This document maintains and distributes information pertaining to the rivers and streams of the Antarctic continent. Satellite Image Map of Antarctica Using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Images (USGS) These sites currently features remotely sensed images of Antarctica, and information about how the image data were gathered, processed, and used to create the US Geological Survey's recently published Satellite Image Map of Antarctica. Don't miss ANTARCTICA IN 3D!!! Snow Crystal Research Images of snow crystals from research done at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Maryland. United States Geological Survey (USGS) The mission of the USGS is to provide geologic, topographic, and hydrologic information that contributes to the wise management of the Nation's natural resources and that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of the people. This information consists of maps, databases, and descriptions and analyses of the water, energy, and mineral resources, land surface, underlying geologic structure, natural hazards, and dynamic processes of the earth. USGS Ask-A-Geologist The United States Geological Survey's "Ask A Geologist" program allows you to contact USGS staff by email and get your questions answered. USGS Earthquake Site Latest earth quake information, stuying earthquakes, hazards and preparedness, etc. compiled by the United States Geological Survey. USGS Geologic Division WWW Site This page lists the United States Geological Survey servers that focus on geology topics such as hazards, resources, and geologic and geophysical information. University of California at Berkeley Seismographic Station University of Texas Department of Geography This site contains information about mapping (projections, etc.) and mapping technology (GPS), as well as information to enhance web-browsing skills. Two links to check: The Geographers Craft and Global Positioning System Overview (includes links to map projection information). University of Washington Internet site list of earthquake data, connections to original seismic data or seismic research information. Volcano World Brings modern and near real time volcano information to specific target audiences and other users of the Internet. VolcanoWorld draws extensively on remote sensing images (AVHRR, Landsat TM, Magellan, Gloria, etc.) and other data collections. Supported by NASA's Program: Public Use of Earth and Space Science Data Over the Internet. Includes Index (images and information) of Volcanoes in Antarctica. |