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MeteorologyLinksThe meteorology links do not necessarily include links to all of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Programs. Many of these programs conduct weather and climate research; please browse the available links in the Polar Resources Arctic and Antarctic research programs for additional information.Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Home Page of the University of Wisconsin. Antarctica and Meteorological Information Site including links to sea ice data, automatic weather station data, and Antarctic surface observations. Antarctic Meteorological Observations made by the Alfred Wegener Institute, the German National Research Centre for polar and marine research. Antarctic Projects Home Page of the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Includes links to AWS stations, and Antarctic satellite imagry, access to real-time meteorological and remotely sensed data and an extensive archive of meteorological and remotely sensed data. Australian Antarctic Division Casey Station Weather Current weather information obtained from a Bureau of Meteorology automatic weather station. Blue Skies "The Weather Underground" of the University of Michigan. Targeted specifically at K-12. Access weather imagery, current conditions and forecasts, and curriculum actvities. British Antarctic Survey Online Antarctic Meteorology offers access to "current" AWS and occupied station meteorological data at several locations. may lag a day or two. Also has an interactive map for data retrieval. Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in Boulder, Colorado. Links to the CMDL South Pole Monitoring Page. Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison focuses on the development and testing of the operational utility of new weather satellite observing systems to improve weather forecasts. The Daily Planet Department of Atmospheric Sciences of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Includes a great collection of multimedia instructional modules that introduce and explain fundamental concepts in meteorology. Also includes "customizable" weather maps. Earth Science Links This page contains internet resources in the areas of Astronomy, Geology and Meteorology. Ice and Climate Division of the British Antarctic Survey. The aim of the research undertaken by the Ice and Climate Division is to understand the present behaviour of the ice-atmosphere-ocean system in Antarctica and its evolution in the past, and to use this knowledge to predict future behaviour. Integrated Earth Information Server of the National Science Foundation. Geosciences. Integrated Earth Information Server (IEIS) built on the infrastructure provided by the nation-wide Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) network, in which parcticipating universities are establishing information servers containing a range of earth-related data. Information available includes: current electronic weather maps and bulletins; oceanographic, seismic, and other environmental information; instructional materials to complement the data. Antarctic Precipitation Map Current information provided by the Integrated Earth Information Server of the National Science Foundation. Geosciences. Into the Arctic Climate Into the Arctic is designed to offer instructional materials and activities for teachers to use in the many contexts of their daily teaching routine. Information and activities are divided into four sections: Climate, Climate Change, El Niņo and the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2. Michigan State University The southern hemisphere/Antarctic infrared satellite composite- updated every 3 hours. Michigan State University Current weather maps (satellite and radar images) and movies. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) The NASA page offers links to areas including space exploration, understanding Earth's systems, astronomy, meteorology, space technology, remote sensing and imagry of Earth from space. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Using Satellite RADAR Imagery to Study the Polar Regions National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NOAA, part of the US Department of Commerse, is charged with describing and predicting changes in the Earth's environment, and conserving and managing wisely the Nation's coastal nd marine resources to ensure sustainable economic opportunities. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) NSIDC, located at the University of Colorado, is a data and information resource for those studying snow and ice, and their importance to the Earth system. National Weather Service (NOAA) Offers links to the latest weather information from forecast offices and National Centers (Warnings, forecasts, maps, and observations), climate statistics and historical archives of observational reports and weather products, and nformation on hydrometeorology, the environment, geophysical tables, weather communications, codes & standards, and other weather related services. Naval Support Force, Antarctica Weather reports for McMurdo and other support information provided by the United States Navy for the United States Antarctic Program. Office of Polar Programs (OPP) National Science Foundation (NSF) NSF''s programs for support of research in the Antarctic and the Arctic Ohio State University Atmospheric Science Program Current Ohio, national, and global weather maps. Satellite images. The Polar Meteorology Web Module is designed for anyone interested in the subject of polar meteorology. This site is sponsored by the Naval Postgraduate School, Department of Meteorology, Monterey, CA. Polar Meteorology Group of the Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University. Satellite Images with Meteoroloic Information from the Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University Sea Ice Home Page of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Ocean Modeling Branch (OMB). The Polar and Great Lakes Ice group works on sea ice analysis from satellite, sea ice modeling, and ice-atmosphere-ocean coupling. The Ice group is part of the OMB in the Environmental Modeling Center of NCEP. This all falls under the National Weather Service. Scott Base Daily Weather Reports University Corporation for Atmospheric Research FAQ's, linsk to Colorado, national, and severe weather maps, satellite images, and climate information. Weather Center of Texas A& University. Links to local and national weather, includes information about current weather "hazards." WeatherLinks USA Current weather state by state. Numerous links to other sources of weather information (government, commercial, university). WeatherNet Sponsored by The Weather Underground at the University of Michigan. WeatherNet offers access to forecasts, images, and weather links. Weather Page of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). provides links to sources of weather information. WXP Weather Processor WXP, the Weather Processor, located at Purdue University, is a suite of routines for analyzing and displaying meteorological data and satellite images. The software handles standard National Weather Service data captured in near- real time. Current National satellite and radar images. Archive of images. |