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TEA Supplemental Budget Template - Arctic Research

TEA Supplemental Budget Template - Arctic Research

For questions or clarification, please contact:
Deb Meese

  • Submitted by the PI to OPP Program Manager (after consultation with TEA parcticipant)

  • Submit request on NSF budget sheets via FastLane with accompanying budget explanation.

  • Budgets typically are submitted as "supplemental requests" to existing OPP project budgets.

  • All costs are considered "parcticipant costs." No overhead is charged against parcticipant costs (see GRANT PROPOSAL GUIDE - Instructions for Proposal Preparation at http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2000/nsf002/ch2.htm#d_7e).

  • Not to be requested - any equipment >$500, including computers, video cameras, etc. TEA parcticipants are encouraged to seek such equipment from other sources, such as local businesses, foundations, school district cost matching, etc.

  • Consider other opportunities to add value to the TEA experience (e.g., attendance at a scientific meeting, enrollment in a course, involvement in a pre-field working session, etc.)

  • Residual funds can be used to help the TEA parcticipant continue the transfer of the TEA experience (e.g., attendance at a scientific or educational meeting, materials for classroom activities associated with the TEA experience, return visit to the PI's institution, etc.).

  • Advice from past PI's and TEAs: Please strive to get the TEA teacher a travel advance, rather than having them incur all costs from their own pockets. Reimbursements from universities and other institutions can take several months to process.
  • 1. Stipend

    TEA summer visit to PI's institution (typically 10 days to two weeks)

    TEA summer field experience (for duration of field experience not during the school year)


    ($75.00 x number of days)

    ($75.00 x number of days)

    2. Release Time - Not necessary unless overlap occurs with school year

    To replace the teacher while deploying to, and in, the field. The cost varies by district and by whether the district views the substitute need as a long- or short-term need. Long-term substitutes are more expensive but often necessary to maintain continuity in the science classroom while the TEA is in the field.

    Substitute costs other than the field experience are the responsibility of the district (e.g., scientific meetings, educational meetings).

    Example: 10 days @ 130/day = 1,300)





    3. Travel

    a. Visit to PI's institution


    Car rental/surface transportation if needed



    (est. 400-600)

    (est. 100-200)

    b. Arctic



    (est. 1800)

    c. Arctic

    Car rental/surface transportation for interacting with local classrooms*

    *The TEA may have the opportunity visit classrooms or communities before and/or after the field expedition to share the research experience.


    (est. 200)

    d. Researcher's visit to school before or after expedition

    (est. 400-600)

    4. Subsistence

    a. Visit to the PI's institution

    Housing 10-14 days @ 60 / day; Per diem for meals



    (est. 900-1260)

    b. In-transit travel (two days each prior and post field season)

    Housing 4 days @ 60 / day; Per diem for meals


    (est. 360)

    c. Subsistence during classroom interaction (two days prior or post field season)

    Housing 2 days @ 60 / day; Per diem for meals


    (est. 180)

    d. Researcher's visit to school before or after expedition

    Housing 3 days @ 110 / day; Per diem for meals


    (est. 900)

    5. Miscellaneous

    a. Medical and dental exam (if needed)


    (est. 800)

    b. Passport (if needed)

    (est. 50)

    c. Clothing (if needed)

    Includes under layers and other specialized clothing not provided by the Arctic contractor. The TEA is expected to cost-share for clothing. If cost-sharing is met, the TEA can keep the clothing at the close of the season.


    (est. 400)

    d. Communication

    Includes e-mail, phone, 2 RealAudio sessions, mail

    (est. 200)

    e. Materials and supplies for classroom transfer

    Includes books, Xeroxing by the TEA for sharing with colleagues and students, supplies for classroom experiments, development of slides and photographs, etc. This can include non-expendable supplies under $500 (e.g., all or part of a digital camera). The non-expendable supplies remain in the possession of the school



    (est. 600)

    f. Materials and supplies for research

    Includes all materials that will be used by the TEA in the field / at the PI's institution that are in addition to the materials already slated for the research team.


    (est. 500)

    6. Total

    Note: Residual funds can be used to support the TEA in sharing the research experience with the educational and/or scientific community (e.g., travel by the TEA to an educational and/or research conference to present the results of the program, travel by the TEA to the PI's institution to collaborate after the field season).




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