Goal of the TEA Mentoring Log
Loewenberg Ball and Cohen state that to have teachers investigate their
practice with colleagues:
"..... would intervene in the isolation of practice, in which only
the material for learning is one1s own practice. By enabling encounters with
different practices, such work would broaden and diversify teachers1 knowledge
and create opportunities to see new versions of teaching and learning, and to
understand things differently....." (Darling-Hammond, L. & Sykes, G. (Eds.).
(1999). Teaching as the Learning Profession: Handbook of Policy and Practice.
CA: Jossey-Bass, p. 15)
The TEA Mentoring Log is a place for TEA parcticipants and their mentoring
team members to investigate and reflect on their practice. The language used in
this log is based on studies of Teacher Action Research and Teacher Professional
Development programs. Like the mentoring team, Teacher Action Research is a
collaboration among teachers who focus on learning from their own
What are Mentoring Logs?
Mentoring Logs are reports about your close collaboration with colleagues as
you explore polar science, the process of science, and paths to bring these
experiences into the classroom in authentic, diverse ways.
Each member of your polar team will submit an on-line report. The report
does not have to be long and the reports are not intended to be onerous!
Overview - some reflection / background questions - submitted
one time
Meeting Report - reflections on each meeting; this does not have to be
long!! Bullet points are welcome so long as they are comprehensible!
Annual Overview - a summary of milestones passed and goals
What is a "Team?"
The term "team members" is used throughout the log. A "team" can be two or
more people; TEAs may collaborate with more than one team. A team is considered
the group of colleagues collaborating closely to explore polar science, the
process of science, and paths to bring these experiences into the classroom in
authentic, diverse ways.
Why is the Mentoring Log Important?
Mentoring Logs help demonstrate the impact of TEA - close collaboration
implies in-depth collaboration, investigation, reflection, and growth of all
team members.
What is the Online Submission Form?
The online submission form is a file that you create and edit that contains
information about your teaming efforts for the year. It is password protected.
You are the only one who can change the online report. Note that they are
viewable by the TEA Program facilitators, TEA evaluators, and NSF program
managers. The are NOT viewable by team members or other TEAs.
How do I get my own, individual, special password?
Contact Steph. Note that the password is the same as for your Annual Report
and Activities forms.
How do I use the Online Submission Form?
Log in with your individual login and password. Select either a new form or
a previous form (if you have created one already). Add your report information
and save it (hit the "create" button at the bottom of the form). When you select
"create", the system stores your information for you. You can continue to edit /
add to the form, or log off and return at a later time. When you return, request
your form file and you can edit or add new information.
How Often Can I Post?
As often as you wish. Hourly, daily, quarterly, yearly...
Are the Mentoring Logs Secure?
Documentation is strictly confidential. The TEA Management Team, Evaluator,
NSF, and the TEA author will have access to the team journals (but not to other
team's journals). TEA team members will have access only to their individual
When are Mentoring Logs due?
All aspects , including all meeting descriptions and the annual report, must
be completed by January 15th of each year until you complete your mentoring
responsibilities. Note that by submitting your form, you are ensuring your
eligibility for attending TEA events for the following year.
You are encouraged to add the meeting reports as soon as the meeting is
completed; this helps the TEA Program and Evaluators follow your involvement.
The Mentoring Log Online
Online Mentoring
TEA Mentoring / Collaboration