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National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia 14 to 17 May 1998 Parcticipants Peter Amati, Holliston High School, Holliston, Massachusetts Fred Atwood, Flint Hill School, Oakton, Virginia Shawn Beightol, Wm. H. Turner Technical Arts High School, Miami, Florida Carole Bennett, Sickles High School, Tampa, Florida Elke Bergholz, United Nations International School, New York, New York Scott Borg, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Sue Bowman, Lebanon High School, Lebanon, Pennsylvania Myrtle Brijbasi, Suitland High School, Forestville, Maryland Tim Buckley, Barrow High School, Barrow, Alaska Sam Carter, Rice University, Houston, Texas Timothy Connor, Chenango Forks Central School, Birmingham, New York Besse Dawson, Pearland High School, Pearland, Texas Jane Dionne, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Linda Duguay, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Elissa Elliott, Mayo High School, Rochester, Minnesota David Friscic, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Kim Giesting, Connersville High School, Connersville, Indiana Guy Guthridge, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Adam Hawthorn, Rice University, Houston, Texas Paul Jones, Montezuma Community Schools, Montezuma, Iowa Chuck Kim, Cherry Hill East High School, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Fae Korsmo, NSF, Office of Polar Programs, Arlington, Virginia Debra Meese, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, New Hampshire John Nevins, Crandon High School, Crandon, Wisconsin Don Rogers, St. John, Washington Stephanie Shipp, Rice University, Houston, Texas Steve Stevenoski, Lincoln High School, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Wayne Sukow, NSF, Directorate for Education and Human Resources, Arlington, Virginia Betty Trummel, Husmann Elementary, Crystal Lake, Illinois Hillary Tulley, Niles North High School, Skokie, Illinois Wendy Warnick, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States, Fairbanks, Alaska Linda Wygoda, Sam Houston High School, Lake Charles, Louisiana Clarice Yentsch, Education Development Center, Newton, Massachusetts Glenn Zwanzig, DuPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky Workshop Objectives Agenda and Notes Friday 15 May
9:00 What is the TEA Program & How did it Originate? (Stephanie Shipp, Wayne Sukow Jane Dionne) 9:15 Objectives and Viewpoints of EHR and OPP (Wayne Sukow, Scott Borg, Fae Korsmo) - TEA as one model for the integration of research and education. 9:45 Divide into Arctic and Antarctic Working Groups
What is the role of ARCUS in the Arctic Program? (Wendy Warnick) Break 15 Minute Presentations: Living / Working in the Arctic as a Teacher (Tim Buckley, Chuck Kim, John Nevins) Discussion of Living / Working Setting - Preparing for the Field (all) Mentorships:
Tim Connor - Chuck Kim Don Rogers - John Nevins Introduction to The United States Antarctic Program (Scott Borg) Logistical Support in the Field (Simon Stevenson) 15 Minute Presentations: Living / Working in the Antarctic as a Teacher (Carole Bennett, Besse Dawson, Linda Wygoda) Discussion of Living / Working Setting - Preparing for the Field (all) Mentorships:
Shawn Beightol - Steve Stevenoski and Besse Dawson Elke Bergholz - Linda Wygoda Sue Bowman - Linda Wygoda Elissa Elliott - Paul Jones and Barb Schulz Betty Trummel - Kim Giesting Hillary Tulley - Paul Jones and Barb Schulz Glenn Zwanzig - Tom Geelan and Carole Bennett 12:30 Lunch 2:30 What's in the Workshop Packet? - Program Expectations of TEA Parcticipants - Presentation and Discussion (Stephanie Shipp)
images newspaper arcticles meetings mentoring
opportunities to collaborate with TEA Associates opportunities for funding grants for PI travel to the TEA's institution and more! Bottom line: refer to this resource for questions about TEA responsibilities! Note that this information is available on the TEA website! Discussion Groups 3:30 Communication as the Beginning of Fabulous Field Experiences: What do Researchers and TEA Parcticipants Expect of Each Other and the Field Experience? (all) Thoughts from the Researchers: Things to Ask Your Researcher: 5:00 Close of Work Day Saturday 16 May 9:00 TEA Outreach Models Including Classrooms During the Field Adventure (Kim Giesting) Curriculum Materials Development (Carole Bennett, Besse Dawson, Tim Buckley) Community Involvement (Peter Amati, Paul Jones) 10:30 Effective Communication from the Field; Presentation and Discussion - Journals (Kim Giesting) 11:30 Software Introduction (E-Mail, Image Transmittal, CU-SeeMe) (Sam Carter, Adam Hawthorne) - the Bare Bones of What is Available from the Field 1:30 Who Has What:
McMurdo daily e-mail, CU-SeeMe Dry Valleys daily e-mail (ish) Cape Roberts Project ? e-mail R/V Palmer daily e-mail Toolik Lake daily e-mail (ish), CU-SeeMe (perhaps) Deering bi-weekly e-mail Seward daily e-mail, CU-SeeMe USCGC Polar Sea daily e-mail CU-SeeMe - What Works, What Doesn't (Steve Stevenoski)
Software (FREE!) can be downloaded through the TEA's Only Website from Cornell. Divide into Groups Work with CU-SeeMe and Other Software - Discussion Groups 3:00 Discussion of format for e-mail and images (refer to Webcards) Practice, Practice, Practice! Materials to Share with Classrooms - Maximizing the TEA Experience (all) (examples of materials to introduce classes to TEA and the polar environments, discussion of other suggested materials and ideas) 4:00 Revisiting What We've Done (Stephanie Shipp) Thanks to everyone for parcticipating! As a group we have shared many excellent ideas and experiences. Please remember that the entire TEA community is here to answer questions, offer ideas, and serve as a resource any time. The adventure experienced by each "new" TEA this season will be a unique journey and we look forward to sharing the adventure while you are in the field and in the time following! Best wishes to the new TEAs in their upcoming endeavor and to the "experienced" TEAs in continuing to enhance our Polar Learning Community! 5:00 Wrap Up and Evaluation ****************************** Start: I think perhaps an opportunity to send messages and photos during the session may be beneficial. Allow for time that is not specifically scheduled but rather to work in more groups. Continue: Time for groups to interface on working together on curriculum problems or other specialty items for each pole. Keep giving it your best. ****************************** Start: If possible, bring in the researchers to meet with the parcticipants. Give more training on the communications. Try to stick more to the time schedule. Continue: Dialogue with former parcticipants was excellent. Keep giving out the great resources. Dinners/meals together were superb and give great interaction time. Stop: Don't allow one person to dominate the time. This happened a couple of times. It was not bad, but you can't beat a dead horse. ****************************** Start: More hands-on with electronics - most still seem uncomfortable. Perhaps instructional handouts on how to do e-mail and CU-SeeMe. Add an "activity" notebook section. Continue: Orientations with experienced/inexperienced TEAs. Including Wayne! (great dinners!). How to get districts fired up (Kim was awesome!). Sharing activities. Focusing on possibilities/ideas. Notebooks with pre-printed materials. Stop: Dwelling on "can't do's" unless illegal. ****************************** Start: Give presenters a time limit and tell them they MUST keep to it - otherwise there isn't sufficient time for Q&A. Give more ideas for how feedback can be done for HIGH SCHOOL. Continue: Info from experiences of past TEAs; Kim's ideas for presentations and connecting with teachers before she left were good. Keep doing the orientations - they are very helpful. Keep letting parcticipants know the agenda and time to meet in the lobby, etc. This facet was much better than the first time. Stop: Bashing anyone who wants to do a webpage. One person keeps harping on that they did their own webpage. Enough! If you want us to do activities, we need to know what has already been written by GLACIER curriculum experts so that we don't duplicate efforts. ****************************** Start: Include logistical data such as: how much $$ will we need (approximately) for transportation, food, etc.? what kinds of clothes will we need (casual for one evening? will breakfast be provided in the morning at the workshop or should we wake earlier and have breakfast? Continue: Orientation (hotel, airfare, website info) was very good! Having experienced TEAs give presentations and answer questions. Pairing up mentors with mentees. Several resources given out (maps, books, etc.). Training on computer stuff. E-mail messages with directions, last minute details, etc. ****************************** Start: Keep everything moving along. Continue: Keep the good organization. Keeping us well informed. Keep sending us the e-mails. Stop: Saturday afternoon from 3 to 4 pm went slow. Probably just me though. ****************************** Start: Have more computers available. Have breakfast/snacks available. Continue: Being excited and cheerful. Having gifted/talented support. Improvements are visible from year to year - good job! having diverse experiences shared. Including breaks here and there Stop: Negativity. Loooooooong sessions. ****************************** Start: More information about what to take (how to prepare personally). More "structured" questions/answer time. Hands-on with CU-SeeMe. Continue: Presentations from those who have gone before. Having in May. Classrooms/Resources/Technology. Good mix of together/apart Arctic and Antarctic. ****************************** Start: Follow the agenda more closely - so that we don't bog down unnecessarily on topics for which we have limited time. Redirect and re-focus those who monopolize the discussion time into more positive directions. Continue: Having folks come prepared with biographies and project descriptions ahead of time. Mentoring old and new. Providing resources - maps, videos, etc. for new members. I liked the TEA binder idea - will help to keep the stuff organized. Stop: Negative comments about the possibilities - keep an open attitude of what might be possible but perspective that everyone's experience is unique. ****************************** Start: More timely notification of teachers and students. More communication with parents at an earlier date. Continue: Overall most things were good. I feel you all have good intentions and want the program to improve. I think all your efforts are going the right way! Stop: Rooming double is not good. What about people that snore (LOUDLY)? We all have some jet lag to deal with and separate rooms would help! Do you use these cost containments with other groups of visitors/scientists? ****************************** Start: Have old TEAs speak up for what can't be asked (e.g., personal information being sent to PI's). Video tape the Antarctic/Arctic discussion to see what transpired. Use old TEAs before the meeting to help run materials needed, get the coffee set up, prepare for the dinners, etc. Continue: 1st day was exceptional. Make sure the NSF people are dynamic. Stop: Long lunch breaks. It's too hard to get back on task. Maybe have a working lunch. ****************************** Start: Introduce new technology. Add more presentations and lessons in activities. Sell NSF and TEA hats and jackets. Continue: Lessons and activities. Slide presentations. Networking. ****************************** Start: More days? More sleep? Orientation was good. Make connection with PI sooner! Feel pressed; they will not be around this summer. Continue: Resources. Dinner together - great way to get to know one another. Coffee in the morning. Electronic discussions and practice. Mentoring seems like it will be really helpful; my fears are allayed. ****************************** Start: A few logistics would be great - like what to wear, how much money to bring, what we might be doing after the meeting, etc. Continue: This was a fantastic orientation meeting for me. NSTA was a real introduction, but these sessions provided the answers to many questions, a wealth of resources and many super ideas of how to be prepared before, during, and after our "on ice" experience for effectively bringing this program to as many people as possible. The use of TEA mentors from previous years is absolutely essential. I liked the way you divided up topics for each previous TEA to present. The friendly, welcoming atmosphere you have created is an important component. I feel 100% confident that if I have additional questions and concerns, I have many resources (people, videos, printed material) that I can turn to, to get answers to my questions. I am thrilled to be a part of this exciting program and ready to get going on more preparations back home. Thanks for this unique and exciting experience. ****************************** Start: Split Arctic and Antarctic more. Let us know earlier about selection and time of meeting. Private rooms (different arrival times make it difficult; time zones for roomies are also difficult). Get PI's or associates here to discuss project. Hotel closer to NSF. Offer a continental breakfast at the meetings (a little early). Continue: Having dinner at Wayne's. Face to face meetings. ****************************** Start: Generate more information on Arctic research and resources. After orientation, have new TEA's submit at least one detailed activity to infuse into the curriculum and possibility of connections with current stuff - Expand later to community group and a sister school. Continue: Presentations by previous TEAs. Information about availability of resources. Stress importance of establishing a good rapport with the PI and research team and effective communication. Specifics electronic communication training. Appoint mentors. Stop: All of the information presented was valuable to me during the sessions, so I cannot suggest what needs to be dropped from the agenda. ****************************** Start: Have snack food Communicate earlier and with more clarity. I got conflicting messages about dates and times and I did not know for sure when it was until the week before. This made it difficult form me and my students because of field trip changes. Have PI's around too, if possible. Continue: The reports from previous TEA parcticipants. Friday night supper at Wayne's. This orientation was very well run and gave very good information, though I still feel overwhelmed and inadequate. Presenting enthusiastically. Computer orientation. Stop: At this point, I feel a bit discouraged. More emphasis needs to be made on the positive aspects. I heard a lot about trials, short comings, etc. - not enough on the wonderful things. The enthusiasm of the presenters was excellent - but what caused that enthusiasm? ****************************** Start: Coordinate meals and travel - it was expensive and time consuming to catch the metro and cabs. More time with small groups of specific regional interest There were times the Arctic group felt left out. Continue: The sessions were all good - excellent information, relaxed, very little non-productive time. Dinner at Wayne's. NSF is a nice place to meet. Very well planned. ****************************** Start: Outline of what clothing parcticipants might need (formal? informal?) Make a half day longer for informal talks Have teachers come prepared with what they have already done (new TEAs) - this way they will have thought about it already. Include that hours of mentoring can start before the field time. Continue: All of what was done in all of our sessions. Informal dinner at Wayne's was very good - thank you! Old TEAs classroom work, outreach programs, etc. was very useful. Hand-outs were very useful. Continue bringing in old TEAs. Excellent sessions, very informative, and useful. Feel well prepared. Stop: Have the old TEAs not talk for too long at any parcticular time, i.e., discussions. ****************************** Start: More computer use. Continue: Offer a chance to talk with mentors. Provide binder of organized info resources. Tech info and trial period. Sharing previous TEA experiences with the group. ****************************** A few general comments from Steph: Thanks for your ideas and comments - excellent! You should see many of these implemented during the next orientation. NSF will work to identify / notify the TEAs earlier in the year. This will allow planning earlier for the orientation. To date, funding and the "opposite" field schedules of the Arctic and Antarctic research programs have precluded earlier identification. Rooms - Sorry - but we will be doubling up unless individuals want to cover the cost of half of their room (always an option). This includes researchers; at most of the research meetings I attend, folks share a room. This year we had many last minute cancellations. PI's - we do try to get a few Arctic and Antarctic researchers as resources to each meeting in addition to Deb, Clarice, Steph, and the NSF representatives. Unfortunately those planning to attend this meeting could not. At this stage we are not funded to bring all the new PI's - although this is a very, very good idea and is on the books for a proposal. Thanks again, everyone! 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