2 August, 2000
University of Washington Visit
Today I visited the Department of Geophysics at the University of Washington
in Seattle. There I met Ed Waddington, a principal investigator(PI) on the
project, and Bob Hawley, a grad student who is the other member of the team
travelling to Siple Dome.
Ed and Bob are interested in the ice dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice
Sheet at Siple Dome. Bob will be measuring the vertical movement of the firn
within the top 80 meters of the ice sheet. Firn is the transition stage
between snow and glacial ice. Last year he placed metal bands at regular
intervals in a borehole. This season and again next year he will be
measuring any changes in the position of these bands.
Bob demonstrated two methods he will use to determine the exact position of
each band. One employs an instrument called a tuned coil and the other uses
a video camera to pinpoint the location. An understanding of how the snow
moves down as it makes the transition into ice is a necessary component of
Gary Clow's climate model.
I tried on some snow boots and down pants while Bob answered my questions
about what personal gear will be needed. The shipment of equipment for
Antarctica must be sent out later this month.

Bob Hawley is holding the video camera that will be used in the borehole at Siple Dome..
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