14 December, 2002
Date: 12/14/02
Latitude: 83 degrees, 30 min., 2.81 seconds South
Longitude: 104 degrees 59 min., 12.73 seconds West
Temperature:-27 C / -17 F
Wind speed: 30 knots
Wind Chill: -46 C/ -50 F
Wind direction: Northeast
Meters of ice collected: 203 m
By Brian Welch
The storm that started during the last 30 kilometers of yesterday's
traverse is still with us today with slightly stronger winds and
colder temperatures. It makes for cold conditions for the ice coring
crew, atmospheric chemistry and glaciology research as well as for
the mechanics doing routine maintenance on the tractors. For those
of us who ran the radar systems during yesterday's traverse it's an
opportunity to back up our collected data onto CD-ROMs and to do some
preliminary data processing.
There are three radar systems on the traverse that operate at all
times while we're traveling. Two are high-frequency systems, one to
look for crevasses and another to collect near-surface data to
correlate with the ice cores.
The third radar system is in the last sleds of the traverse. This is
a deep-penetrating radar system run by Brian Welch. This system uses
a lower radio frequency (3 MHz) to penetrate as much as 3 km of ice
to the bedrock below. The system also records internal ice layers
caused by volcanic deposits or changes in the ice properties such as
the transition between the last glacial period and the current
interglacial period. As with the shallow radar these internal layers
represent isochrones, lines of constant age, in the ice sheet. The
deep radar can't recover data in the upper 100 m of ice so it can't
be used with the shallow ITASE cores, but it will be useful for
future deep drilling efforts in West Antarctica and provides some of
the first measurements of ice thickness in this region.
Being the operator of the deep radar during one of the traverse legs
is an experience quite different from the rest of the ITASE crew.
The system consists of two sleds: the first is 75 m behind the last
sled of the second train and contains the radar receiver, essentially
and amplifier, oscilloscope, and computer; the second is another 135
m behind the receiver and contains the radar transmitter and its
battery. The entire system is a little longer than two football
The receiver shelter is an insulated plywood box that is 6.5 ft long,
5 ft wide, and 5 ft tall. It has a small shelf for the computer, a
chair on one side, and space for my sleeping bag along one wall.
This is where I live during the traverse. There are three small
windows that provide views of the ice (when they're not covered with
frost) as well as small vents for air circulation. The door out the
back of the shelter opens onto a small platform that contains the
generator that powers the system.
Because the sled is so small and on such a long rope the ride can get
somewhat interesting. If the snow is soft the sled can bottom out
and actually stop until the rope is stretched to its full length
before snapping forward. It's something like a horizontal
bungee-jump experience except that it happens every 20 seconds for 20
to 30 hours! If the terrain is hard and rough the sled bounces
around and I spend much of my time catching items that are falling
off the shelf (pens, notebooks, the car batteries that are being
charged to keep the transmitter running).
The long traverses are the most difficult as I need to stay awake for
the entire trip (sometimes as long as 50 hours) in order to monitor
the radar system. The rough terrain can break an antenna, the
generator needs gasoline at regular intervals, the transmitter
batteries need to be charged and swapped every few hours, or there
may be a change in the appearance of the bedrock or ice layers that
should be recorded in my notes. A few other team members have helped
out when possible, but many have experienced motion sickness I can't
imagine why! For some reason I can't explain I don't seem to feel
the same ill effects even though I can't stand things like roller
coasters. Despite the rough ride I find that after 20-30 hours of a
traverse leg I will occasionally doze off in my seat without
realizing it. When this happens I'm usually jolted awake by falling
out of my seat as we go over a bump or when my forehead hits the
computer shelf.
In the end, when we're back home looking at the data all of the rough
conditions and cold weather don't seem quite so bad. While we're
here in the field it's a tiring job and it's hard to get excited
about each long traverse leg. For the moment I'm resting up and
planning to put some foam padding on the edge of the computer shelf
I'm getting a bit of a lump on my forehead!