15 October, 1998
Boy did I get a good nights sleep last night. I got up this morning after
sleeping nine hours. I really needed that. The whole day was a bit
relaxing. We did not do a whole lot. This morning I met with my lab
partner to discuss the research I am starting on Saturday. We went down
the hill to the old old aquarium to select the fish for my study. After
counting the fish left I realized that I am going to have to do more
fishing. I have enough fish to stat my eperiments but not enough to finish
them nor does it leave enough fish for some of the other research that
other people in the lab need to do.
We bring the fish from the old aquarium to the new aquarium because there
is more room to conduct our research. The old aquarium is about one third
the size of the new aquarium and not as well equipped with the
instrumentation I need. I cannot start the research today because they
need a couple of days to adjust to their new environment and to recover
from the shock of being moved.
The experiment I am going to be conducting requires that I remove a small
amount of blood (2ml) from the tail of the fish. So that the fish do not
feel any pain I anesthetize them before I remove the blood. I then test
the blood for salt content, specifically for sodium and potassium ions and
the total osmolality of the blood. I will then inject them with small
doses of a thyrodi hormone and a hormone called thiourea. Ultimately I am
trying to determine the role of the thyroid in controlling the salt content
of the blood.
That was my morning.
After lunch I had some down time so I climbed the hill behind McMurdo
called Ob Hill. At the top there is a cross dedicated to the men that died
in Scott's expedition to the South Pole in 1911 when everyone died on their
return from the South Pole. From the top of this hill I could see the
volcano Mt. Erebus. It is an active volcano surrounded by a sea of ice and
snow. When I first climbed up the hill I could see that the clouds were
receding so I waited to take a picture until it was totally uncovered. It
too twenty minutes to totally uncover and while I watched before I could
get a picture taken it had covered back up. It was amazing to see the
clouds move so fast.
After my climb I came back and checked my e-mail. I have to share the poem
y father sent me. I told him of the encounter with the seal and this was
his reply:
Although there are no polar bears
To seek you for a prey,
And penguins are scarcely known
A grown up man to slay.
Still in that cold and icy land
A hazard I would reveal.
Be very careful you don't get slapped
In a hole by an irate seal.
I thought that was a nice tale to share.
After dinner we (our research group) decided it would be a good idea if we
tried to get more fish in tonight and since we can't fish from the holes
where we have the traps in (the traps have to stay down for at least two
days)we took a "JiffyDrll" out with us. A Jiffy Drill drills one foot
diameter holes. Four of us took the snowmobiles and went out about a half
mile on the sea ice to drill some fishing holes. For about an hour we
messed with the drill and could get it running for only one hole. We
drilled down about eight feet and never did get to water so we moved to
another location. I pulled the cord on the drill to start it and the cord
broke. That ended our fishing expedition for the day. We all gave up,
joked, and headed in to call it a day. That is it for today. Tomorrow
should be an exciting day. We are going on a long snowmobile trip out to
the ice edge about an hour drive from here. We will attempt to bring back
more fish and hopefully see some penguins which I have not yet seen.

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