18 October, 1998
Once again it was a beautiful day. It was a little colder today.
It only got into the low 20's today but the sun shined all day.
Unfortunately, I was not able to enjoy. I had to work in the lab all
day running my experiment. I injected the hormones into the fish and
extracted blood from them. This morning I analyzed the blood I
extracted yesterday to determine the ion concentration of the blood.
This will give me a set of data to compare my results with at the
conclusion of the experiment.
I saw some very unusual dress today. It is supposed to be Spring
in Antarctica almost Summer. Today I saw several people wearing shorts
and open-toed sandals. I also saw a woman wearing a halter top. Now I
would not push the summer thing that far. It is still very cold
outside. It did add a little amusement to the day.
Well it is very late and I do not have much to add to the journal
so I am going to close out the day. Maybe more tomorrow.

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