23 October, 1998
Today was back to the lab day but that was good. After two days of
being in the outdoors I was worn out. I overslept a little this
morning, not that anyone is setting a time schedule to start work. I
just like to be in the lab by 7:30 am. Today I made it in a few minutes
after eight.
I had to work in the "cold" lab today. We actually have two labs
where we do our work. The Crary Laboratory Building is built on a hill
with three levels being connected by a long sloping hallway. Our main
lab is on the uppermost level and the "cold" lab is on the lower level.
The view from the lower lab is the best. There is a large window that
overlooks McMurdo Sound and you can see 45 miles across to Discovery
Mountain and the Royal Range. It is a breathtaking view.
Today was the part of the experiment that I liked the least but it
had to be done. There are special cells called chloride cells in the
gills of the fish that have to be examined for another part of the
research. This requires that the fish be sacrificed in order to remove
the gills. I never like killing an animal but it had to be done for the
research. Hopefully someone will be able to use this research to better
control hypertension in humans.
We did have a little accident today. There are two aquariums here
at McMurdo and they are not connected. The other, "old," aquarium is
about a half mile down the hill and out by the shore. We store most of
our fish at the old aquarium for space. When we are ready for more fish
we transport them in 5 gallon thermos containers. Today we loaded up
three containers of fish on the back of a truck which had no tailgate.
The driver of the truck started backing up too fast and had to come to a
sudden stop. The momentum and slick conditions caused one of the
containers to go crashing off of the truck. It dumped 14 fish out onto
the snow. We quickly picked them up and through them back into the
container. I ran them into the aquarium and filled the container with
water. We were fortunate in that only two fish died from freezing. You
can tell when they get too cold because their eyes turn white. Speaking
of fish eyes. The eyes of these fish, bernachii", and tear drop shaped
with a narrow band of gold around a black iris. I have never seen fish
with anything but round eyes. They are very strange looking. It almost
gives them personality.
Well I am rambling. It is midnight and I need to get some sleep so
I will close for another day. Sunday we will be headed back out into
the field so I should have more stories to tell then. Bye for now.

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