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Disappearing Rocks data | hook | main | background & resources | student Background Rocks and minerals undergo various types of erosion. Water, wind, temperature, ice, and chemicals all play a role. But the erosion speed is dependent upon the types of rock. Therefore, the results are different. Resources and Reference Materials Shaping the Earth: Erosion (Exploring Planet Earth) , Sandra Downs Earthsteps: A Rock’s Journey Through Time, Diane Nelson Spickert Erosion: Earth’s Conditions Series, Joshua Rutten Videos Soil, Grades 4-8, Geography Tutor, available at amazon.com Physical Geography: Weathering and Erosion, available at amazon.com Web sites Resources http://www.geol.umd.edu/~kaufman/ppt/chapter14/sld007.htm (slide on ventifacts and how they’re formed) http://www.tulane.edu/~sanelson/geol111/deserts.htm (Professor Nelson’s detailed geology notes on effects of wind) http://www.windows.ucar.edu/mars/MPF_ventifacts.html (Windows of the Universe pictures of Mars ventifacts) http://mpfwww.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs/sci/fifthconf99/6152.pdf (NASA arcticle about Mars ventifacts by Nathan Bridges) http://www.home.pon.net/quin/antarctica/journal5/nov28.html (Antarctic Journal by Douglas Quin, amazing pictures of ventifacts, along with audio of "drumming" a ventifact) http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/antarctica/background/NSF/valleys.html (NSF’s McMurdo Dry Valleys Region description) http://seattlep-i.nwsource.com/antarctica/journey/ice05.shtml (description of Lake Vanda in the Dry Valleys by Judd Slivka, Seattle Post Reporter) http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/deserts/eolian/ (USGS webpage on how wind can erode the Earth’s surface) http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/202ovhds/windwave.htm (Steven Dutch’s detailed notes on wind and wave erosion) http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/ask-a-geologist/ (USGS’s Ask-A-Geologist web site) http://www.exploratorium.edu/complexity/exhibit/erosion.html (Exploratorium’s Erosion Channel Exhibit with audio) Lesson Plans: http://www.usgs.gov/education/learnweb/ice.html (USGS Lesson Plan on how moving ice affects a mountain) http://www.ceie.sunysb.edu/SummerEducationalInterns/Linda/Creatingastratigraphiccolumn.html (Constructing a Stratigraphic Column activity) http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/science/core/plans/int/rocks.html (Weathering of Rocks and Minerals Lesson Plan, complete with student scoring rubric, Utah State of Education) http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/esg/12surwea.htm (British Columbia Ministry of Education Surficial Processes--Weathering and Erosion--Lesson Plan) http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/iceberg/index.html (Discovery School Online lesson plan on glaciers and icebergs, glacier scraping) http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/rocks/index.html (Discovery School Online lesson plan on rock erosion) http://explorer.scrtec.org/explorer/explorer-db/html/783750608-447DED81.html (Univ. of Kansas Changing Earth lesson plan for grades 3-4) http://explorer.scrtec.org/explorer/explorer-db/html/783750052-447DED81.html (Univ. of Kansas Erosion Lesson Plan for K-4) http://student.biology.arizona.edu/sciconn/earthscience/erosion.html (Erosion Lab for grades 3-4) http://teacher.scholastic.com/dirt/erosion/index.htm (The Dirtmeister’s Lab on "How Does Rain Shape the Earth?") http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ScienceSSMDUnitOnErosion46.htm (excellent unit on erosion for grades 4-6) http://ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/sci/cecsci/cecsci208.html ("It’s Eating Away At You"--lesson plan on how acid rain contributes to erosion, K-8) http://ucaswww.mcm.uc.edu/geology/crest/lesplans/NESEN_April96/soildemos.html (soil erosion demonstrations) http://encarta.msn.com/alexandria/templates/lessonFull.asp?page=351 (Erosion lesson plan, K-4) Back to: TEA Activities Page |