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How Many Penguins Does It Take? data | hook | main | background & resources | student Background Resources and Reference Materials Penguins Penguins of the World, Pauline Reilly My Season With Penguins: An Antarctic Journal, Sophie Webb Playing With Penguins: And Other Adventures in Antarctica, Ann McGovern Penguins (Animals of the Oceans), Judith Hodge Mitsuaki Iwago’s Penguins, Mitsuaki Iwago Penguins of the World, Wayne Lynch Penguin Planet: Their World, Our World, Kevin Schafer Carrying capacity Full House: Reassessing the Earth’s Population Carrying Capacity (The Worldwatch Environmental Alert), Lester Brown Videos Emperors of Antarctica, 53 minutes, available at www.discovery.com Penguin World, 30 minutes, available at www.libraryvideo.com Web sites Link to teacher/scientists who have seen Antarctica penguins: ../../elliott/11.18.1998.html (Elissa Elliott’s journal and pictures of brief penguin experience) ../../activity/wille/penguinpreferences_hook.html (Andre Wille’s lesson plan on tracking penguins) tea.rice.edu/wille/1.6.2000.html (one of Andre Wille’s journal entries about Adelie penguins) Carrying capacity information: http://www.uaf.alaska.edu/seagrant/NewsMedia/96ASJ/06.14.96_Carry.html (Arctic Science Journeys Radio Script 1996 on carrying capacity) http://www.kdu.com/carry.html (Kentucky Down Under Student Activities--carrying capacity) http://www.census.gov%2Fmain%2Fwww%2Fpopclock.html (U.S. Census Bureau--watch the clocks tick as the pop. increases) http://www.popexpo.net%2Fenglish.html (6 billion human beings web site from France) http://dieoff.org/page112.htm (detailed paper “Population, Sustainability, and the Earth’s Carrying Capacity” from BioScience, Nov. 1992) http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/local/sustain6.html (Ecological Footprints and Carrying Capacity arcticle and demonstrations) Other population dynamics/lesson plan resources: http://www.kdu.com/habit.html (Kentucky Down Under Student Activities--shrinking habitat) http://www.accessexcellence.org/atg/data/released/0084-CatherineRoss/description.html (Earth Day Birthday Party Activity--population dynamics) http://www.accessexcellence.org/atg/data/released/0279-MikeBasham/index.html (The Natural Selection of Forks and Beans Activity--population dynamics) http://www.accessexcellence.org/atg/data/released/0314-Jeffreyweld/index.html (Cemetery Demographics Activity--population trends) http://www.accessexcellence.org/atg/data/released/0534-KathyParis/index.html (Biodiversity Activities--Is the ecosystem healthy and stable or sick and unstable?) http://www.raptor.cvm.umn.edu/raptor/meeen/connect.html (Raptor Center “It’s All Interconnected!” Activities--populations and habitats) Penguin information: http://home.capu.net/~kwelch/pp/ (Penguin Page--very professionally done) http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/penguins/ (Nature--The World of Penguins teacher resources) http://octopus.gma.org/surfing/antarctica/penguin.html (Penguin adaptations) http://octopus.gma.org/surfing/antarctica/chicks.html (Chick die-off) http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/proj/penguins/plan1.html (Elementary internet lesson plans using penguins) http://www.stemnet.nf.ca/~mwhitt/penguin/penguin.html (Penguin links) http://www.discovery.com/cams/penguin/penguinmain.html (Penguin cam from the Biodome in Montreal) Back to: TEA Activities Page |