7 September, 2001
September 7, 2001
Some R&R
After our side-trip yesterday to the North Pole, we are now heading back to
Gakkel Ridge to return to the business of rock collecting (among other
scientific endeavors). While we are traveling to our destination, we are
enjoying a day of rest and relaxation.
Yesterday when we were at the North Pole, I walked around it in a circle.
Therefore, I technically traveled around the world! (Maybe that's why I'm
so tired today.) I did all of the things that I would have done if I had
been at home on the weekend-- sleep in, watch videos, read, and work on
lesson plans. Why, do you ask, did I work on lesson plans? Each scientist
is giving a lecture to the crew and the science party while here, and I
didn't want to be left out. Instead of lecturing, though, I am holding "7th
Grade Science Class". It will involve doing science with food and should be
nice and messy.
I did manage to show up at the science lab today just long enough to send my
journal and find my North Pole souvenir cups that went down into the Arctic
Ocean yesterday. As you can see from the picture, the pressure they endured
caused them to shrink to the size of a thimble. They retained their shape
and color quite well, though.
I enjoyed today very much, and I'm grateful that we had a day for
reflection. It gave me time to think about all of the things that I miss
most (family, friends, teaching, the West Virginia scenery) and those that I
don't (cooking, grocery shopping, driving in traffic, housework). It seems
amazing that when we return to our schedule tomorrow, we will have just 27
days left in our expedition. It feels like yesterday that this incredible
journey began!

<> Before: I pose with my styrofoam cups, a styrofoam head, and in the bag is a styrofoam body. They will all travel to the depths of the ocean in the name of science!

<> After: Scientist Kyla Simons displays the result of the pressure of water on styrofoam.
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