8 November, 1999
Monday November 8, 1999
Alarm went off at 0345 hours, I showered, packed and made myself a cup of
tea. Ethn came out if his room about 0450 hours and we chatted for a moment
then he and I went to finish up our rooms. I walked for the shuttle at 0410
hours and they were already loaded and waiting for me. I honestly don't
thing I've been late more then ten times in my entire life so I could not
figure out what had happened. It was simple, the shuttle company, as I
guess is typical in NZ, was early.
Got to the airport and found they had off loaded all of our hold gear. That
means I had access to clean clothes and all my battery chargers. Oh well!
It looks like good weather here and everyone is sure today is the day we'll
fly. I hope so.
We dressed and did a bag-drag and waited in line to get checked. Then we
waited in line some more to be checked. Finally they checked our gear in
(check passports and weigh and check any baggage and you); then it was off
to the holding pen where many literally strip down to their long-johns and
simply lie around. We were told we could go over to the Antarctic Center
for breakfast, but that we had to be back by 0615. Good vibes. We are
going !!!. I stayed in a the holding pen and talked with a couple of
researches. One of the fellows I was suppose to have gone to see the Palmer
with was there so I humbly apologized. He graciously accepted it.
It is the way in Antarctica , you must work when you opportunity arises.
Mother Nature is the boss and calls all the shots. An example of this is
the U.S. Itase: High Resolution Radar Profiling of Snow and Ice Startigraphy
Headed up by Dr. Steve Arcone from C.R.R.E.L. This is the project that many
of in New England probably saw on TV at the middle of October. They are
hooked up with the Museum of Science in Boston and are going to be crossing
Antarctica from Byrd Station to the Upstream C site looking at the
stratigraphy along the way. I'll have much more to say about the Itase
latter, but, my point is this. While standing in the holding pen with Steve
and others, he learned, from a C-130 pilot, that his expedition was already
a couple of weeks behind because the weather had precluded the support
people from getting into Byrd Station and putting the base on an operational
ready basis. Nature is the real "Boss Lady" here.
About 0615 hours those who left returned and reported a shuttle out front to
take us to the plane. Then a call to line up and get searched with metal
detectors and dogs. Looks like we were going. Bused to the plane, we are
taking the C-141, a jet transport. We are packed and stacked in like
sardine and strapped in and given a lunch. It looks like we are off.
Everyone is seated and sweating like pigs but we are anxious to go. Then
load master yelled for attention and told us to get of his plane; there was
an hour and a half delay. We all thought he was kidding. But he was not,
It will take that long to get off the plane. We went told holding pen and
we were told we could go to the 60 South café, but no further. Everyone is
At 1206 hours we left Christchurch, now everyone is wondering if we will
boomerang, that is get part way to the ice and then be forced to return.
The flight was most uncomfortable, literally side by side with one foot in
front of us then another person. So close that only one person on either
side of the one-foot wide isle could stand at a time. There is porta-potties
at one end of the plane and a bucket (urine) only at the other, however to
get to either one was an ordeal for the person and all those he MUST step
on. About every 1/2 hour someone, one on one side of the isle would stand
for a few minute. Cramps where I should not have cramps.
The flight took 5 hours and we were told the winds were a gentle breeze at
25 mph and the temperature is -8C. Not too cold. The sight was breathtaking
flat white blue ice runway and then mountains across the horizon. Off in
the distance was Mt. Erebus, an active volcano. Wow! Awesome!!
We were pick up by Ivan the Terra Bus, a huge bus like vehicle that was
driven by a young girl probably 20 years old at the most. As we approached
McMurdo Station the appearance around the station was not one of pristine
Antarctica, but of a very busy base occupied by humans who had needs.
Shelter, buildings everywhere; water, pipes coming from the sound to bring
sea water for desalination, a fuel farm of tanks and pipes to supply the
town with heat, and construction vehicles everywhere. I must confess it was
a little disturbing.
We were taken to the Science center for an orientation meeting, and given
times for other meetings. Tomorrow at 0800 hours a waste management meeting
and at 1100 hours a meeting with the administrators of the station. I found
my room at the Mammoth Mountain Inn. A little cubby with two closets for
all our gear, bunk beds, a dresser, two chairs and a desk. Quite Spartan,
but I am sure it is palatial compared to the tent I will be in just three
short weeks. WoW! But as I said earlier, Nature is the Boss, and when she
calls we MUST answer; no matter what the facility looks like. Again the
field camp will be much more Spartan and we will have to bag it all up and
bring it out to boot. Yuk!
I made my bed, unpack, put my ECW gear back on and went to supper. All you
can eat, the food is great so I will have to be careful or I'll come back a
I returned to my home. No roommate yet. Must have fallen asleep, even with
full sun at 2000 hours, remember we have no darkness at all here during this
time of the year. The station works around the clock.
Penguin Peter the Polar Man

The big red bus AKA Ivan the Terra Bus. It was used to pick us up at the blue ice runway and carry us to McTown. <>
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