9 December, 1999
Thursday December 9, 1999
The wind is still blowing and I am just finishing up my fifth of seven (one
every 4-hours for a full day) sample. I now have been up more then 24 hours
straight. I must stay up until 1400 hours for my last sample is at 1200
hours and it takes about 2 hours to run them. This will probably be one on
my shortest journals.
I finished sample analysis about 0530 hours and buttoned up my wind-breaker.
It was windy, but very warm, maybe even above freezing. This happens when
strong winds come down (elevation 2 1/4 miles) off the polar plateau
(katabatic winds) they pick up speed and also have a tendency to warm. This
is exactly what happened just before I arrived, they had katabatic wind
gusts of 74+ knots. They destroyed every tent in camp and destroyed a
Jamesway as well. The people moved into the permanent structures to avoid
the blowing sand AND rocks.
I then found a sunny spot behind a large rock, and like the old dinosaur
that I am, sunned myself. Too bad I wasn't a reptile for then I would
respond according to VanT'Hoff's Law. For every 10oC change in temperature
the metabolism increases 2 to 3 times. Boy would that be nice. Even though
I have been doing a lot of hiking with a heavy pack I feel I have put on
About 0615 Mike, and Ethan showed up. They had gotten the ATV stuck in a
melt pool last night and wanted to get to it early, before the high summer
sun, days are still getting longer for another 12 days (actually the sun
gets a little higher), remelted the pool. They we quite concerned for it
would require a call to Mac Operations and getting approval for helicopter
to come out and sling load the ATV to permanent ice. Not something they
wanted to have to do.
I wanted to go with them but my 0800 hour sampling precluded that. I took
my sample and ran my tests, by then it was 0930 hours. How can I stay
awake? I saw a bunch of glacier berries that Rae had dropped off at the
lake's edge and asked her if she wanted me to bring then to the camp. She
said yes. So I did. I then help two young women Jenniffer and Carrie, or
as they are known as the Doranettes, they work form Dr. Peter Doran, move
equipment to the ice. They are two of the most fun loving kids, but a little
scary in that things are always happening to them, probably owing to them
being a tad unfocussed. As an example, after I helped load their banana
sledge they started to walk to the permanent ice, and Carrie literally
walked on ice that was open water 2 hours earlier and went right through up
to he knees. Not a problem, she simply turned around stepped up on the ice
and proceeded to walk where she should have been in the first place.
I went and sat in the sun and managed to stay awake to get and test my
samples. Tomorrow I am being flown to F-6 research site, to do a stream
synopsis on Aiken Stream so I had to straighten up the lab. It was then
1400 hours and I went to my tent to sleep. I haven't slept 34 hours.
I rested until 1700 hours and came down to the camp and Kathy Welch had
arrived. We chatted a while and I shared my data with her and Michael
Goosef, the fellow in charge of my project. He was pleased with my work and
said he would send me the results when all he chemical analysis came in.
Great, I would like to see the results of this labor of love.
We ate dinner and then the flight schedule came in. My flight out is at 0915
hours so Michael wants all gear at helo-pad by 0830 hours. Great.
I think I am going to grab a radio and head out onto Lake Hoare for this
will probably be the last time I ever see it again, because when I get back
to Mctown either tomorrow or the next day, plans will have been made for my
redeployment. I am looking forward to heading home, but to leave this
magnificent place will be like leaving a part of my heart and soul behind
and permanently frozen in the ice of this magnificent place we call
I left camp about 2030 hours and decided to walk down to the Suess Glacier
at the other end of Lake Hoare , I guess it is about 2+ miles. It was
fairly mild but the wind blew heavily in my face. I had crampons that made
my trip over the very rough surface of the ice (rough do to differential
melting and wind erosion of the surface) fairly rapid. It will be a lot
more rapid on the way back with the wind to my back. I would walk for 1
1/2-hours out; if I made it to the Suess fine if not, I would have to miss
out for I had given myself 3 hours to be back by.
The ice was azure blue in many places, white in others, white with dirt
blown in from the walls of the valley in others. The surface went from
smooth as glass, to undulating waves caused by the wind wearing away the
surface (looked like a miniature topographical presentation of the area. In
fact, as I walked and watched the ice, I was sort of pretending I was in the
Astar-helicopter (the ones we fly) and flying over the terrain. It was also
like trying to see "figures" in the clouds. The most drastic ice is the ice
where dirt from the valley walls had landed on and then differentially
melted. This in turn opened up spots where the wind could get in and cause
erosion and sublimation of the surface. This created sculptures some of
them up to 5' tall.
The wind was in my face on the way out so it should be quicker on the way
in, besides I made to the Suess Glacier with time for pictures and a chance
to sit, munch on some trail mix, and reflect about life. I stayed here maybe
20 minutes and it was time to head back to camp.
The trip back was quicker and warmer, the wind (probably 25 -30 knots) was
at my back. The only problem was I had less control of where I was going
then when I was walking into the wind. I made great progress and picked up
all sorts of time. No need to worry about having to call in and tell them I
would be late.
I made it about 2/3 of the way home before I lost my footing and went down
on my right shoulder and knee, like a ton of bricks. As soon as I hit the
ice I heard one of my bottles fall out of the backpack and start to blow up
the ice away from me. I saw it sliding away so I tried to get up to catch
it before it got too far. As soon as I put stress on my right foot I slipped
again. I had not slipped the first time, but rather the rivet that held my
right crampon together snapped. Great! I could walk, but much slower then
normal and what turned out to be my pea bottle was booking on up the ice
without me. I had to catch it for if that bottle ever broke and the urine
seep into Lake Hoare, it would be a serious problem. I used my ice ax to
pull myself along the ice on my stomach. I must have looked like a wounded
seal. Thank the stars above, the bottle got caught in a crevice in the ice
and I managed to recover it. Now that I had everything back I looked at the
crampon with a bit more care. It was broken all right. I took it off and
put it into my pack. Then began the slow process of digging my left foot
into the ice and using my ice ax as a "one-toothed" crampon. It worked OK,
for I made it back to camp before I would have to call in. Let me tell you
though, I was exhausted and headed directly to my tent and went to sleep.
Penguin Pete the Polar Man.

Close up of "rough ice". Photo by Peter M. Amati, Jr.

Lake Hoare looking from the Suess Glacier end down valley toward the Canada Glacier end. Photo by Peter M. Amati, Jr.

Suess Glacier through polarized light. Photo by Peter M. Amati, Jr.

The Suess Glacier from the surface of "rough ice' on Lake Hoare. Photo by Peter M. Amati, Jr.
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