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Annual Report for Joanna Hubbard Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page | Presentations
Were you in the field this season?
Dates in the Field:
1 March - 10 May 2000
Approximate Number of Student E-mails:
Approximate Number of Teacher E-mails:
Apporximate Number of Other E-mails:
Approximate Countries Represented:
Additional Comments:
Before I departed for the field, I developed contacts with close to 200 teachers around the country through presentations, personal and professional contacts. I planned with many teachers over email and sent them all an information packet about TEA, my research in specific and some of the ways to bring the experience into the classroom. The very low amount of email and real time communication from the field was, however, a disappointment. Between CU-SeeMe, which my school had purchased cameras and software for, not being used and having problems with my email address on the website not working properly I felt very isolated. It was disappointing to have planned interactions with various classes and then not to hear from them on the ice. When I returned, I heard from lots of people who had had their email to me at the station bounce back to them as undeliverable. On the plus side, it has been very uplifting to hear (as I continually do) from the many people who read and enjoyed my journals and pictures (both in the classroom and on their own) but were not able to get in contact.
Did you maintain a daily (or as often as possible) electronic journal while in the field?
Continued Collaboration with Reasearch Team Members
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
My primary PI, Dr. Charles Amsler visited my school and school district for several days. He made a number of slide presentations (to a total of 240 students, 10 teachers on three different teams in my middle school (7th and 8th grade) and 50 5th grade students and 3 teachers at a near-by elementary school) about his research experience in Antarctica. At an inservice for all 7-12 science teachers in my district, we did two joint presentations about how to get the most out of a researcher/teacher partnership and how to get involved with one (to a total of 63 people). Dr. Amsler brought me up to speed on the status of all the species identifications that had been going on with our samples and we discussed upcoming publications from the team's work, image sharing, and scientific meetings. Ongoing
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
In my classroom:
We have open-ended student driven slide show discussion sessions with digital pictures from my lap top.
We have used the majority of the TEA activities posted on the web site and many of the subsidiary activities passed on by other TEAs.
My students get to be guinea pigs as I develop my curriculum components for the TEA program based on my research experience.
we have used the journals of other teachers as resource materials on projects.
We have seen several different traditional slide presentations.
We have examined SCUBA gear and all the physics behind it.
In my school:
"Check on Ms. Hubbard in Antarctica" buttons with web address on all computers in building.
In other classrooms:
I have shown several different traditional slide presentations.
I have brought in SCUBA gear and talked about the physics behind the apparatus.
With the local Girl Scout Council:
I have lead activities for two years at their annual Women of Math and Science day about research at the poles.
I am discussing development of an older girl event in conjunction with our local science museum, The Imaginarium.
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Jon Schearer
Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants:
Currently there are no TEA Associates in my district. There are several teachers who have expresses some interest. We are just getting started with this as well as the mentoring. It has been difficult getting enough enthusiastic and creative teachers who wish to spend collaborative time on the project.
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions Presentation Date, Title, Number of Attendees, Etc. Presentations for hubbard Back to Main Page | Back to Report
West Anchorage High School, ASD 7-12 Science Inservice 99-00 Type of Presentation:
20 minute verbal presentation and Q and A session Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Brief introduction to the TEA program, my specific project, invitation for
any teachers interested in getting involved to contact me, hand out with
99-00 TEA schedule, TEA outline, and web information. Outcomes:
Got "the word" out to all ASD science teachers that a teacher in their area
will be travelling to do research in Antarctica and established preliminary
contact with teachers who might be interested in getting involved.
Hanshew Middle School 99-00 building Inservice, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
5 minute Introductory TEA announcement Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Brief introduction to the TEA program, my specific project, invitation for
any teachers interested in getting involved to contact me, hand out with
99-00 TEA schedule, TEA outline, and web information. 83 full teacher packets
handed out after school year started. Outcomes:
Got "the word" out to all teachers and staff in my building that a teacher
in their area will be travelling to do research in Antarctica and established
preliminary contact with teachers who might be interested in getting involved.
Mears Middle School; Cross-district Middle School Inservice '99 Type of Presentation:
45 minute presentation/activity section (repeated twice) Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Short slide show explaining TEA and my specific project. Demonstrated navigating
the TEA website on overhead projector, navigated through variety of resources
avaliable through TEA, teachers had time to explore web site on own time.
Ended with parcticipating in a sample activity from website (earth's history
is just a piece of layer cake). Passed out flyer with 99-00 TEA schedule,
TEA outline, and web information. Outcomes:
Familiarized small groups of teachers with content and navigation of TEA
website. Generated interest in active science connection and activites avaliable
to them through the TEA program. 9 full teacher packets handed out and teachers
added to contact list.
Number of Attendees:
80 approx. Location:
Golf Couse Chalet, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
5 min TEA informational announcement in Dinah Zyke 3-day class. Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Brief introduction to the TEA program, my specific project, invitation for
any teachers interested in getting involved to contact me, flyer with 99-00
TEA schedule, TEA outline, and web information or full teacher packet. Outcomes:
Got "the word" out to some elementary teachers and staff in my district
that a teacher in their area will be travelling to do research in Antarctica
and established preliminary contact with teachers who might be interested
in getting involved. Many teacher packets handed out, 11 teachers added to
contact list.
University of Alaska Anchorage Main Campus Type of Presentation:
Girl Scouts Women of Math and Science Day; 3 x 30 min presentations to Brownies;
3 x 45 min presentations to Juniors Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, brownies and juniors made anatomically correct snowflakes,
discussed and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, juniors parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Flyer avaliable with 99-00 TEA schedule, TEA outline,
and web information, also teacher packet avaliable. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have girls reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited reasoning
and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of curiosity
and interest, made contact with several home-schooling parents.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To Coral team classes during regular 45 min class periods (x 4) Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, students parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To Teal team classes during blocking (2 x 90 min) class periods Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, students parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To Teal team classes during blocking (2 x 90 min) class periods Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, students parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School Orchestra Room, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To entire Emerald team during a blocking ( 90 min) class period Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, students parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Chinook Elementary School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
75min to Lori Brewer and co-teacher's 5th grade classes. Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program, students parcticipated in spectrophotometer
modeling activity. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To half of Magenta team classes during regular class periods (2 x 45 min) Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To Ruby team classes during regular class periods (4 x 45 min) Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
O'Malley Elementary School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
25 min discussion session with 6th grade class I was covering. Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, brief presentation on my project and the TEA program. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, created LOTS
of curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
To other half of Magenta team classes during regular class periods (2 x
45 min) Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Discussion covering general environment of antarctica, wildlife overview,
climate and weather, students made anatomically correct snowflakes, discussed
and examined SCUBA equipment and physics behind it all, brief presentation
on my project and the TEA program. Outcomes:
Removed commonly held naive misconceptions about Antarctia, used topic as
base to have students reexamine assumptions about snow structure, elicited
reasoning and basic conditions behind necessary SCUBA gear,created LOTS of
curiosity and interest. Gave website address.
Hanshew Middle School Orchestra room, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
2 hr to interested teachers after school Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Showed edited slides of my field experience, Q and A session, and gave general
information about my recent experience, informal. Outcomes:
Teachers from my building got feedback and satisfied their curiosity as
to what I had been doing in Antarctica.
Hanshew Middle School Multipurpose Room, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
45 min slideshow for 7th period classes Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Showed edited slides of my field experience, described my recent experience. Outcomes:
Students from my building got feedback and satisfied their curiosity as
to what I had been doing in Antarctica since I only returned three weeks
before school ended.
Jen's Restaurant, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
Q&A with digital pictures to supportive board member and paper editor
son Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Showed digital pictures relevant to questions to R. Holthouse and son. Outcomes:
Gained continued support of School Board and opened another avenue for public
exposure of TEA program and my experience in it.
Barnes and Noble, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
2 1/2 hour interview with reporter from Anchorage Press Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Showed digital pictures relevant to questions to reporter, discussed program
and experience in detail. Outcomes:
Still waiting and working on arcticle.
Anchorage Daily News Building, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
1 hr interview with reporter from Anchorage Daily News Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Preliminary information and web site address given to reporter, chose slides
for feature arcticle. Outcomes:
Arcticle published two reporters later on MLK day '01. See 2001 annual report
for more information.
Romig Middle School, 00-01 Cross-district 7-12 Science Inservice Type of Presentation:
2 x 45 min sessions Co-Presenters:
Dr. Chuck Amsler Content:
Joint presentation with PI from research team. Showed slides of his various
research sites in Antarctica, discussed what researcher is looking for in
the relationship with a teacher/educator, I covered benefits to teachers
of getting involved with researchers and what they should expect and do to
make it a successful partnership, gave hand out teacher-researcher collaboration
points and TEA website address. Outcomes:
Created realistic basis for teachers to approach researchers and field experiences
to get the most out of it for themselves and classes while making it a success
also from the researcher's point of view. Many requests for more information
on TEA program.
Anchorage School District Administrative Building, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
20 minute presentation to School Board, administrators and other attendees,
broadcast on ASD cable channel Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Powerpoint with digital images summary of TEA, my experience, and impact
on ASD kids. Outcomes:
Public show of appreciation for all support given so far by ASD. Contact
solicited for further Channel 2 news story, news arcticle for NEA and ASD
employee newsletter. Compliments from Head of Middle Schools and Cirriculum
for excellent teaching.
First United Methodist Church, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
45 min slide show to Alaska Prospectors Society Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Slide show of my research experience and travel to Chile and Antarctica.
Brief TEA explanation. Outcomes:
14 individuals wanted more information on the TEA program to send on to
teaching relatives and friends.
Downtown Madison Optomist's Club, Madison, WI Type of Presentation:
5 min Introduction of TEA Co-Presenters:
none Content:
Brief introduction to the TEA program, my specific project, invitation for
anyone with teacher contacts who might be interested in getting involved
to contact me, hand out card to interested parties. Outcomes:
Spread contacted teacher circle outside of my home state. Made personal
contacts rather than just electronic or mailed ones.
Mirror Lake Middle School, Science Olympiad Inservice, 7-12 teachers from
ASD Type of Presentation:
5 minute TEA reminder Co-Presenters:
None Content:
Brief reiteration of TEA program, my specific project, invitation for any
teachers interested in getting involved to contact me, hand out with 99-00
TEA schedule, TEA outline, and web information. 17 full teacher packets handed
out. Outcomes:
17 full teacher packets handed out to interested individuals. Reminded
interested teachers of time of departure and need to plan quickly for connections.
Number of Attendees:
2 + viewership Location:
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
30 minute Channel 2 (NBC affiliate) interview during school day Co-Presenters:
none Content:
General information on where I would be going, what I would be doing there,
the TEA program and how I would be connected back to the students and public. Outcomes:
Huge but brief (final air time approx 5 min) exposure for TEA experience
and website address. Most commonly viewed station for the southcentral area
of Alaska.
Number of Attendees:
2 + viewership Location:
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, AK Type of Presentation:
45 minute Channel 13 (CBS affiliate) interview after school Co-Presenters:
none Content:
General information on where I would be going, what I would be doing there,
the TEA program and how I would be connected back to the students and public. Outcomes:
Huge but brief (final air time approx 5 min) exposure for TEA experience
and website address. Popular statewide rebroadcast station.
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
The Pressure Is On!
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Classroom partnership with ASA/RPS
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Arichive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
5/5-7/99; 2/22/00
Approximate Daily Rate of Substitute and Number of Substitute Days:
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Type of Equipment:
Apple G3 PowerBook computer; Sony Mavica FD73 digital camera and spare batteries; eyeball cam and two copies of CU-SeeMe software
Date of Purchase:
2/00; 1/00; 9/99
Approximate Cost of Equipment:
$2700; $600; $210
Granting Institution/Corporation/District:
District, PTA, District
1/01 SICB annual meeting (poster presentation and exhibit booth space)
3/01 NSTA annual meeting (presentation, exhibit booth and coordination of short course)
7/01 TEA curriculum development workshop; 10/01 WSTA session presentation with Betty Trummell; Fall 01 Presentation at UAA's Science and Society Lecture Series; other inservice, preservice, classroom activities and presentations, etc.