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Annual Report for Cathi Koehler Teacher Info Page | Annual Login Page | Presentations
Were you in the field this season?
Dates in the Field:
June 5 to July 13, 2000
Approximate Number of Student E-mails:
17 (note: school was not in session)
Approximate Number of Teacher E-mails:
Apporximate Number of Other E-mails:
Approximate Countries Represented:
1 (USA)
Additional Comments:
Although it seems like a lot of emails, we at Summit had a communication problem. Our only means of communication was through a TELEX machine. The cost was high and it was monitored by VECO. All transmissions fed through the Colorado Office before they were submitted to us. Many emails never made it to their destinations.
Did you maintain a daily (or as often as possible) electronic journal while in the field?
Continued Collaboration with Reasearch Team Members Type of Interaction / Outcomes / Dates / Locations / Parcticipants: Koni's graduate student needed some data I collected while at Summit to set up a computer model the atmosphere. I copied the information (it was in my field book) and sent it to them I haven't heard yet.
I will be going to the University of Colorado this winter (2001)to meet with Koni and his research team. I would love further involvement with this research.
How are you sharing your research experience with your colleagues, district, community, etc?
Being an Earth Science teacher, I am devoting my entire meteorology/climate unit (1 full quarter) to my Greenland experience. I will tie everything from micro-meteorology (e.g. the water cycle and my rime experiment in Greenland) to cloud observations (using the S'cool model) to environmental concerns such as greenhouse emissions, ozone depletion and global warming. I feel that this experience greatly expanded my knowledge of the environment, how to conduct "real" science research and how to present that research in a complete concessive manner. I used Greenland as a model during astronomy when looking at solar insolation and daylight hours vs the tilt of the Earth.
TEA Collaborative Learning Group
Pam Obuchowski
Contact Hours:
Contact Hours:
Presentations and Real Audio Sessions Presentation Date, Title, Number of Attendees, Etc. Presentations for koehler Back to Main Page | Back to Report
Kenney Elm Sch Type of Presentation:
5th grade students Outcomes:
students loved it
Bolton Elm sch Type of Presentation:
5th grade student Outcomes:
students loved it
CREL-TEA Orient Type of Presentation:
Colleagues in TEA Outcomes:
Manchester H.S. Type of Presentation:
Science faculty Outcomes:
Number of Attendees:
unknown Location:
Board Of Ed. Type of Presentation:
Administrators & TV Outcomes:
Great response
My home Type of Presentation:
friends Outcomes:
Have you presented to your local board of education this year?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
Has this activity been submitted to the TEA Web Site?
I spoke at the new TEA orientation in Hanover NH in August 2000. I tried to host ECW gear but was too late to volunteer. I would like to host a booth at the NSTA conference in St. Louis in March 2001. The following material will be sent via US mail as soon as possible.
Have you submitted all press-related materials concerning your TEA experience to the TEA Archives?
Have you submitted 20 digital images to the TEA Archive with electronic captions?
Have you submitted 6-8 photos to the TEA Arichive?
Number of Release Days Covered by School/District for TEA Program/Activities:
Reasons for Release:
My school is VERY stringent about my release time due to lack of substitutes in the area. The only release time I've had was during the field experience which was only 3 days. I will be taking more time to speak at Charter Schools in the area but I will have to take sick time to do so.
TEA Meetings Covered by School/District/Corporation
Names of Meetings:
At this point, I have only attended my orientation meeting in March 2000. I would like to go to St. Louis in March but I will have to fund it myself if I do attend.
Permanent Materials and Equipment Provided by Institution/Corporation/District for the TEA Program
Other Shared Costs
I am planning to give more presentations at the local Science Teacher's Conference as well as presentation to many other schools/students in my area. I would like to speak at NSTA next year since proposals are closed for this year. I am also planning to speak to nursing homes about my experience. It will give older folks exposure to new adventures and to make them aware of the way teachers are trained.