8 June, 1999
TEA 1999
Prince William Sound Science Center
JUNE 8, 1999
Greetings from Cordova on another bright sunny morning. Weather
conditions promise to just as beautiful as yesterday. This is unusual for
Cordova to have so many great sunny days in a row. It often rains here.
Everyone was just soaking up the sunshine.
Upon arrival at the center, Nancy Bird, the Vice President of the
Prince William Sound Science Center, and I discussed my plans for the day,
which included some time spent with Emily Becker, the Education Director,
and a visit to the haystack trail. My visit with Emily was great. She
shared with me the activities that were planned for the upcoming week long
camp for ages 12-18 years. She asked my suggestions on some additional
activities that the campers can do, which I gave and were well received. I
also suggested a few modifications to existing activities at Emily's
request, so that students can explore and design their own experimental
designs using the scientific method. I explained ways in which the activity
can be written as a scenario followed by a task assessment, which sets the
student thinking of how to proceed with the
investigation............involves the constructivist approach, Engage,
Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. I also shared with her a format
for students to reflect on their day's activity that was more structured
rather than an open ended journal, the latter of which she had not been too
thrilled with.
After our meeting, Emily and I visited the Cordova museum. Though
small it was very interesting. The entire history of the city of Cordova
and its fishing industry were illustrated as well as the history and
development of the Kennicott copper mines, the lives of the native people
living near the mines and their extinction following a epidemic of some
sort, the direct cause of which is uncertain, and the construction of the
million dollar bridge over the Copper river between the Miles and Childs
glaciers. What fascinated me among the exhibits was the lighthouse and its
ingenious construction of reflecting mirrors and transmitting capability.
Another wonder was the skilled engineering of the construction of the
million dollar bridge that was in place in the first decade of the 1900's.
It was definitely a journey back in time. I was very impressed. Following
the museum visit, we had lunch and then I joined Aaron Lang and Melanie
Rawlins, both camp instructors, on a hike of Haystack trail.
Haystack trail is on one of the uplifted areas of the delta, the
peak of which is a couple hundred feet above the delta. The trail was an
easy one to hike with gentle, winding paths along a terraced boardwalk in
many areas. The trail is well maintained by the park service. As a matter
of fact, we passed a maintenance crew on the trail and say the evidence
where areas were cleaned and cleared. There were seats constructed of logs
(arranged to form a bench) along the path for hikers to rest. At the top of
the haystack, and at the lookout area was also a bench. The view from the
top of the haystack was breathtaking. It was quiet, and the delta appeared
like a still painting. There we relaxed for a while and enjoyed the peace
and quiet, chatted on topics of interest, courses of study in college, and
their involvement in the camp. By the way, Emily is a graduate of the
College of William & Mary and lived in Alexandria VA for a number of years
and attended high school there. Aaron, is a graduate of the University of
Minnesota, and Melanie attends Brown University. All of them are
Environmental Science Majors. Aaron was in his glee today. He is an avid
birder, and was able to identify several birds along the hike and he also
practiced his bird calls. Way to go Aaron!!! After a wonderful afternoon we
returned to the center, and called it a day. Before I left for home, Nancy
shared with me some additional literature on research associated with the
sound, and curricular materials developed for the Science Center.
That evening, I attended a lecture on trumpeter swans at the Fish
and Game Building that was sponsored by the Audubon Society of Cordova, and
presented by Dr. Slayden himself. Dr. Slayden is a Professor Emeritus of
Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, and has worked extensively on
Trumpeter swans and their migratory behavior. His work inspired the movie
Fly Away Home. Why Cordova for a lecture of this nature? Cordova is from
where pairs of trumpeter swans were retrieved and taken to Northern Alaska,
Canada and New York, to study their migratory patterns southward during the
seasonal changes. So Cordova was the contributing genetic factor for this
study. These swans had to imprint on humans and light craft planes
immediately after hatching, and trained to fly following after them. The
slide presentation was very interesting, and the dateline documentary on
the entire process was very informative. Dr. Slayden also showed the
sanctuary he has established in Warrenton, VA. for these birds, and traced
the migratory path of the birds to over wintering grounds on Maryland's
Eastern Shore en route to North Carolina. Following the lecture, I visited
the lower floor of the building where there was an exhibit on the animals
that occupy the Copper River Delta. This too was excellent. A large
aquarium depicting that lively and colorful intertidal habitat of Orca Bay
was also part of the
exhibit. It was most intriguing, and yet relaxing to watch the rock
anchored invertebrates move in their own fashion, and show off their pretty
A short walk home and settling in for the night ended yet another
eventful and enjoyable day. I wasn't too tired and with bright sunshine all
around me, I could not fall asleep even though it was after 10 pm. So I
watched a video on The Life Of A Sea Otter. Animal stories are always fun
to watch. I learned quite a bit about these creatures, and was able to
understand the differences that exist between them and the river otters,
both anatomically and behaviorally.
Tomorrow promises to be yet another great day, and to which I am
looking forward with great expectations. I will be visiting the world
renowned Childs glacier. Stay tuned and rejoin me in Cordova for another
day of Northern exposure and wonder.

Emily Becker, Education Director for the Prince William Sound Science Center.

Melanie Rawlins and Aaron Lang on the Haystack trail.

Dr. Slayden presents his work on Trumpeter Swans.

Trumpeter Swans on exhibit in the Cordova Museum.
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