16 July, 1998
Myrtle Brijbasi
TEA/Alaska - 98
Journal Entry 7 - July 16, 1998
Alaska SeaLife Center, AK
Hello from Seward! I hope you are enjoying my journals so far. I
know you have rejoined me to eagerly find out about the new procedure Dr.
Ben-David is supposed to demonstrate to us today. I am too. But before I
go into the details of the day, just savor this. Last evening Dr. Ben-David
invited us to dinner at her home. It was a delicious
dinner of halibut with her secret seasonings and special trimmings. It was
indeed a delightful evening and we also socialized with the other members
of the research team, Olav and Susanne - research assistants, Dr. Terry
Williams and Shawn Noren, the research physiologists.
The morning routine of cleaning the outdoor laboratory and kennels
was done by Dr. Ben- David and myself, while the behavioral observations
were done by Elisa and Noa. Dr. Ben-David fed the river otters while I
observed. The otters were very curious about me. They made puffing,
grunting and squealing sounds as they moved around. They also kept turning
around to look at me or would rush past me then turn around to look, as
though with great suspicion. I realized that it was normal for them to be
curious about new individuals entering the ODL. It is also important to
move cautiously and remain as quiet as possible so that they aren't scared
away. During the cleaning and feeding sessions, we had visitors. Dr.
Ben-David was videotaped and interviewed by Jack Hannah from Animal Planet
about her research and the wonderful world of river otters. They also
videotaped the otters. Fortunately, the otters were active.
During the afternoon session, Naked (named after Naked Island from
where he was captured), one of the otters was anesthetized and bled for a
blood sample to assess his red blood cell count. There were some concerns
with this animal and anemia. In order to sedate him, she first fed him
with fish that were injected with half of the anesthesia. The other half of
the dosage of anesthesia was used to dart the animal. This was done with a
dart blower and with the greatest precision. He was targeted and hit the
first time. In a few minutes his activity was slowing down and he was "out
like a light". His head was placed on a blanket and then later covered with
the blanket. This was just for some comfort. Some blood was then drawn from
the jugular vein. The volume extracted was distributed into a pretreated
vial, which was vigorously inverted to ensure preservation of the sample
for testing later on. The remaining portion was used to prepare about
six-eight blood smears for immediate analysis. Both the slides and the
vial were given to the veterinarian at the SeaLife Center. The otter is
then routinely weighed after the procedure. Good news!!!!!!! Naked had
gained six pounds since the last bleeding, and the immediate result from
the vet indicated that his hematocrit (% of red blood cells) had increased
from 21 to 36 percent. Being reassured that he would be fine, Dr. Ben-David
placed him in one of the dens.
We returned to the office and continued making computer data entry.
Dr. Terry Williams, Shawn Noren, and Olav Ormseth completed the
treadmill-physiology apparatus and installed it into one of the kennels. It
was very interesting to observe the curious otters investigate this
apparatus. Not only did they climb up to the panel with all of the dials,
but some ventured into the experimental box. Here ends another interesting
day with the river otters. What's in store for tomorrow? I don't know.
However, if you join me again tomorrow you and I will both find out what
will take place. So long from Seward.

Dr. Terry Williams (plaid shirt) and her PhD student Shawn Norin (white shirt) set up the equipment to measure oxygen consumption (metabolic rate) of the otters.
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