15 July, 1998
Myrtle Brijbasi
TEA/Alaska - 98
Journal Entry 6 - July 15, 1998
Alaska SeaLife Center, AK
The challenge of correctly identifying the river otters continues.
But guess what? we are getting better. This is day three of formal
observations and already we can differentiate a few of the otters by their
IDs and/or names. You must admit, distinguishing individual otters from
among 15 similarly looking ones can be very difficult. You have to focus on
the specific ID marking. Here the binoculars are a must. It is however a
great accomplishment to accurately identify one. We still collaborate with
each other when we are recording observations for the sake of accuracy.
We are also beginning to become attached to some of the otters
because of their interesting behaviors. Some of them can also be amusing
when they play with each other - for example pushing each other into the
pool, or wrestling, or running with each other. They also play with their
many toys. The river otters are constantly grooming each other in order to
keep the fur fluffed, and to maintain the layer of air under the fur, since
that is their insulating mechanism. Every so often, self-grooming occurs.
Multi-otter grooming is regularly seen and at that time they also rub
bodies together, and touch noses. These behaviors seem almost ritualistic.
Did you know that the river otters' incisors are like a fine toothed comb,
which facilitates grooming? Well now you know. Their toes also help in
As the experiment time line progresses, new things are introduced
to the otters. One of the things is for them to dive for fish the way they
would in their natural habitat. Arrangements then had to be made for the
availability of live fish. This resulted in a visit to the fish hatchery,
since setting fish traps in the nearby coastal waters did not prove to be
very successful.
During the p.m. session of the day, Dr. Ben-David took us to the
salmon fish hatchery in Seward. The director of the facility gave us a tour
and fully explained the operations. It is a very delicate operation since
everything from facilitating fertilization to the ideal growth period of
release to the lakes has to be done with precision. Even more critical is
the collection of sperm and eggs and their transport from spawning grounds
to the hatcheries. Water quality is constantly monitored and a disease-free
environment must be maintained. There are also alert systems in place to
identify problems, as well as correctional mechanisms should anything go
wrong. The facility boasts 90-94% success of fertilization to growth and
release. I was very impressed with the entire process and learned a great
deal about aquaculture, especially farm-raised salmon.
Well, tomorrow it is my turn to assist with the cleaning of the
outdoor lab and kennels, and to feed the otters. It would be nice to get a
closer look. Dr. Ben-David also plans to conduct a special procedure on one
of the otters for required data. Your guess is as good as mine. So tune in
tomorrow and I'll tell you how it went.

Pilot (left) and Jim (right) at feeding time.
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