19 July, 1998
Myrtle Brijbasi
TEA/Alaska - 98
Journal Entry 10 - July 19, 1998
Alaska SeaLife Center, Ak
It's a beautiful Sunday in Seward and another day of intrigue and
excitement. We started the day with our routine chores - cleaning the
Outdoor Lab and kennels, feeding the otters and laundering their fleece
blankets. The otters having had a feast on salmon last evening, resulted in
an increase of fecal deposits. What was very surprising was the fish eggs
were excreted whole, in spite of the fact that all parts of the fish were
ingested by the otters. I thought that the bones would have crushed
everything up. Dr. Ben-David then explained that prior to spawning, the
eggs are protected with a tough coat and fat. Since spawning and
fertilization was a few weeks away for this batch of salmon, there would be
no physiological change in the surface of the egg. It was my turn to clean
and help feed the otters while Noa and Elisa recorded observations. The
otters were very busy and I was able to get some close-up shots of them
interacting. Some of them were very playful. Having to attend to the live
salmon that arrived yesterday, there were additional things to do. Dr.
Ben-David and Susanne assisted with the cleaning, feeding, and we also
sliced 10 herrings into pieces approximately three-quarter inch thick and
about one and one-half inches long. The herring pieces were to feed to the
salmon. After we checked on them later it did not seem as though any of the
salmon ate the herring pieces. Dr. Ben- David decided that she will try
brine shrimp the next time. The salmon looked fine and were swimming
energetically in the tanks.
We finished relatively early, and the day was turning out to be
more weather friendly than previously forecasted, so Dr. Ben-David took us
on a hike to Exit Glacier and the Chugach National Forest Trail. We were
joined by the Physiologists - Dr. Terrie Williams and her PHD student ,
Shawn Norin. What an amazing experience it was to be within inches of a
receding glacier where you can actually touch the ice !!!!! The blue color
of the crevasses were astonishingly beautiful. The fjords which were carved
out by the glacier when it was advancing were vast, and there was glacial
silt for miles. The rock formations were very interesting, as though
sculptured to specific patterns. Scenes like these leave one speechless
since there are no specific words to describe the emotions experienced.
What a wonder of Nature!!!
On my way down the trail, I paid greater attention to the plant
life, mosses and lichens. In some areas there were climax communities of
Sitka and Hemlock spruce, and Alder, but in others there was an abundance
of pioneer and seral species. The Alders are nitrogen fixing plants that
help to maintain the biogeochemical cycles of the coastal and alpine
forests. There were also berries of all sorts which are indicators of the
presence of bears. We did not see any. I guess there was enough noise from
the many visitors on the trail to scare the bears away. Bears move away
from the noise.
Another interesting feature of the glacier hike were sign posts
along the trail marking the location of the glacier dating back to 1908.
The glacier had receded approximately 3 miles. After our glacier visit we
hiked another trail in the Chugach National Forest. Here, Dr. Ben-David
pointed out to us many indicator species of temperate coastal rain forest
like the devil's club, cranberries, blueberries, and the brush dogwood to
name a few. She also pointed out the differences between areas on the
forest floor that had undergone some kind of disruption/ disturbance in
comparison to one that was part of a climax community. In addition, she
took us to a wetland area of high thick grasses on the edge of the forest
and adjacent to the river, an area similar to the natural habitat of river
otters. There we were able to see mink foot prints. Minks co-exist with
river otters.
On our way out, we rested along the edge of the trail and shared
stories as we took in another breathtaking view of Exit glacier and the
fast moving river running below us along the forest edge.
How about that for a great day? But guess what, the day is not yet
over. By this time it was approximately 5.30 pm. The girls and I had
planned to go on a four hour Resurrection Bay evening cruise, so Dr. Ben-
David gave us a ride to the harbor to embark our cruise ship which was
scheduled to leave at 6 pm. We were privileged to see a variety of sea
birds (gulls, eagles, puffins, guillemots, murres and kittiwakes), Dall
sheep/mountain goat, stellar sea lions and sea otters. Again, I am very
disappointed that I did not see whales. What was also very impressive along
the bay was the rock formations - pillow basalt islands, granite and
sedimentary. The naturalist on board the cruise ship gave the geological
origins of the mountain ranges, and the trees growing on them. She also
pointed one part of a mountain range that is currently sinking due to ocean
floor spreading over the past five-six years. To add to the splendor of the
day was an all you can eat buffet dinner of salmon, chicken, pilaf rice,
freshly baked bread, garden salad and a host of mouth watering desserts.

Relaxing after a hike along the trail of Chugach National Forest. (L-R: Elisa, Noa, Myrtle, Terry, Shawn, and Merav)

Noa and Myrtle in front of Exit Glacier.
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