1 December, 2002
Thanksgiving at McMurdo
It's strange to see this bustling community stop, but
that's exactly what happened this weekend as McMurdo
station observed Thanksgiving. It wasn't observed on
Thursday or even Friday here, when it was Thursday in
the United States. But rather was observed on
Everyone was given the day off and most saw it as an
occasion to dress up for the dinner. We had to sign
up for a time to eat, and the ANSMET team ate early,
3:00PM. I cannot say enough about the kitchen staff
here. It really felt like home.
Having a little time has given us the opportunity to
see some of the sights. On Friday afternoon, Jamie,
Scott, Carlton, Nancy, Linda, Danny,and I went to
Scott Base, the New Zealand base here on Ross Island.
Scott Base is much smaller than McMurdo, but serves
the same basic purpose. It's composed of
interconnected modular buildings, so it's possible to
travel between buildings without going outside. It's
also built up on risers to keep the snow from
accumulating around it.
We mostly used our time to visit the gift shop and
then we were back in McMurdo a few minutes later.
That night, Dean and Cady presented an excellent talk
about NASA, parcticularly Dean's work as a space suit
tester, and Cady's experiences aboard the Shuttle. A
large audience packed the galley and several stayed
for hours afterward just for the opportunity to talk
to Dean and Cady.
At this time, Eric Muhs, at TEA from Seattle surprised
me. He had just flown in and is heading out Monday
for the Pole with the AMANDA project (see
../tea_muhsfrontpage.html) Eric has
developed a passion for kite aerial photography and
invited me to join him in flying a kite over Scott's
original hut here at McMurdo.
The flight drew lots of spectators and I'm excited to
see his digital images as soon as he posts them on the
web. It was a real treat for me to get to see another
TEA and to trade stories of our adventures, so far.
Today, Scott Messenger used his free time to run in
the McMurdo Turkey Trot, a 5K race from the chapel to
the ice runway and back. Dante, Danny, and I used the
time to climb Ob Hill for an unbelievable view of Ross
Tonight is our last dinner together as a team, then
the Beardmore group will need to take their bags to be
weighed at "Bag Drag," for tomorrow morning's flight
to Beardmore South Camp. We're taking two flights to
get there where we'll unload the palettes of gear and
food and camp for the night. Then, on Tuesday, we'll
start our 100km traverse to Goodwin Nunweb siteThis
should be my next opportunity to update the website.
It's been good having a little time to rest here at
McMurdo, but I think all of us are ready to get
started in the field.

Scott Base, the New Zealand (Kiwi) base near McMurdo.

Visitor parking at Scott Base. The Kiwis have a unique sense of humor.

Eric Muhs (another TEA) preparing to fly his kite and take aerial photos of McMurdo.

Eric flying his kite over Hut Point.

ANSMET Team photo Back Row: Jamie Pierce, John Schutt, Cady Coleman, Scott Messenger, Andy Caldwell, Dante Lauretta, Daniel Glavin. Front Row: Diane DiMassa, Nancy Chabot, Carlton Allen, Linda Welzenbach, Dean Eppler (photo by Elizabeth Morton and Daniel Glavin)
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.