10 August, 2001
We're winding down the orientation, but that doesn't mean we are working
any less! We spent a good deal of time today brainstorming our transfer and
mentor plans. Although only a few of us (twelve teachers) will actually
travel to the Arctic and the Antarctic, we hope to spread the excitement
far and wide! What a wonderful focus for interdisciplinary work within our
respective schools.
Of the twelve TEA's (Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic) six
will travel to the Arctic and six will experience Antarctica. Each of us
will become a part of a research team and will have the opportunity to take
an active role in on-going scientific research. This year's teachers span
the grades from K-12 and come from schools across the country. Take a
minute and check out the Arctic TEA's in the attached photo. You'll find me
second from the left. To my right is Shannon Graham from Washington. To
my left are Ron Hochstrasser from Ohio, Dallas Trople from Washington, Kim
Hanisch from Nebraska, and April Cheuvront North Carolina.

Arctic TEA's, 2001-2002
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.