19 August, 2002
I've already told you about the Captain of the Healy, and today I'm going to
tell you about two more of the officers on board. CDR (Commander) Doug
Russell is the Executive Officer on board the Healy and second in command to
the Captain. His room is right next to ours and I can vouch for the fact
that he gets a lot of phone calls. For the first few days I would try to
answer those that came late at night, because I was not awake enough to
realize the ringing was coming from the room next door! CDR Russell
(everyone calls him XO) has been in the Coast Guard for 20 years, and he's
been on the Healy for one year. CDR Russell is an engineer by trade. Prior
to coming on board the Healy, he was commanding officer in charge of the
Coast Guard office in New Orleans where he was overseeing construction of
the Coast Guard's newest motor life boats These are boats that are not
only extremely rugged, but they can roll over and keep going! They'll be
used on both coasts and on the Great Lakes. He has also served on a ship in
the Northwest Atlantic doing fisheries work on the Georges Bank, and he did
three years of Coast Guard work in Miami with alien migration interdiction
operations and drug enforcement. This is his third cruise to the Arctic; he
loves it because it is never the same and each day is a new challenge. He is
excited about traveling where few people get to go.
On board the Healy, CDR Russell's job involves personnel and administration
duties. He ensures that the Captain's vision is carried out. Each day, CDR
Russell prepares the Plan of the Day that lists all the events of the day
and includes a cartoon for everyone's enjoyment. Also on a daily basis, CDR
Russell checks with the "customers," the scientists in this case. There is
a considerable amount of planning that goes into a cruise such as this, and
CDR Russell is an important part of that planning. Another of his duties is
to write a weekly report for the families of the crew. The report is posted
on the web and distributed to the families through a crewmember's wife who
is on land. I can really appreciate that part of his job! On occasion, CDR
Russell deals with personnel issues ranging from medical concerns to
discipline to keeping the correct number of cooks on board at one time. His
work involves interfacing with the Operational Commander of the Pacific Area
(based in California) regarding the ship's schedule, budget, and training
operations. In addition to all his other responsibilities, CDR Russell
watches out for the ship's morale and overall cleanliness. He repeatedly
stressed to me that he loves the camaraderie of this crew; they are a great
group and they always get the job done! With all that he does on board, CDR
Russell's favorite part of his job is driving the ship. He says it puts all
his senses on edge, especially when he is driving in ice or fog.
LCDR (Lieutenant Commander) Joe Segalla, the Operations Officer (OPS), came
on board the Healy in July of 2001. He's been in the Coast Guard for 20
years in a number of different capacities. He served for two years in
Florida doing law enforcement, and he parcticipated in a Navy-Coast Guard
exchange where he served on board a Navy destroyer in the Mediterranean Sea.
He was also a commanding officer on board a patrol boat in Alaska, doing
search and rescue, law enforcement, and fisheries work. After graduate
school where he received a Masters degree in Industrial Administration, LCDR
Segalla worked in Alaska overseeing the installation of VHF communications
sites all long the coast. His current job on board the Healy depends to a
great extent on whether or not the ship is in ice. When the ship is in ice,
his most important job is ice reconnaissance. He takes regular helicopter
flights to map the ice conditions, and he tries to plan the best route for
the ship to take (fastest and safest). Although we have not dealt with a
lot of ice on this cruise, the spring SBI cruise often faced difficult ice
conditions. On one occasion, it took them four hours to travel two miles
and, on another occasion, it took them nearly twelve hours to go one mile!
At that time, even the satellites didn't help because they showed nearly
100% ice cover. When checking ice conditions, the helicopter pilots fly
first at up to 1000 feet above the ice and then again at only 75 feet above
the ice since the ice can look so different from the two heights. Checking
ice conditions is critical when science is going on because the chief
scientist, the captain, and LCDR Segalla must all work together to plan
which stations can be reached and which might need to be adjusted.
In addition to ice reconnaissance, LCDR Segalla has a number of other
responsibilities on board. He is responsible for navigation, computers, and
communications on board, and he oversees the big picture of what's happening
with the science operations. It's his job to make sure that we're
positioned correctly and that the ship is moving just as soon as a station
is complete. If you have followed my journals, you know how important that
is! Another part of that job is overseeing the Deck Division which includes
all small boat operations as well as the deck equipment such as the cranes
and anchors. In addition, LCDR Segalla's job involves a lot of
coordination, for example with engineering, supplies, the helicopter pilots,
the medical personnel, and the chief scientist. He also trains the OODs
(Officer Of the Deck) in ship handling. LCDR Segalla told me that he has
been on a number of ships, some of which were built in the 1960's, and the
difference in technology on board the Healy is huge! He loves being on
board the Healy for that reason and because he enjoys working with a crew
that is on board because they all want to be here!

<> CDR Doug Russell, first on the left, is the Executive Officer of the USCGC Healy. LCDR Joe Segalla is the Operations Officer on board.
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