15 March, 2002
AHH! Departure time from North Carolina and the beginning of my Alaska
Science experience finally arrived. I was able to release a big sigh of
relief as I positioned myself on the airplane. Seven months of planning,
packing and educating myself was finally over!!!! Ready or not, I was on
my way to Alaska.
I met up with Glen Liston and Matthew Sturm at the airport in Fairbanks and
we immediately began plans for the traverse. We zoomed over to CRREL, Cold
Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory at Fort Wainwright. One of
the key pieces of equipment on the trip is a heated sled that was designed
and constructed by Jon Holmgren. Jon has been working on the sled
diligently for the past two months and the masterpiece is finally finished.
This sled will be pulled behind the snowmachines. It is very crucial to
the scientific work on the traverse. There will be much data collected
daily from the snow measurements. A warm place is needed to work on the
computers. Computers, as everything do not work in the extreme cold! The
sled is heated by a propane heater from a RV such as a camper! The propane
bottles will sit on the front of the sled and will be tied in snuggly. The
heater also has a fan that is battery controlled. The battery is charged
by solar panels on the sled. These solar panels also supply power to the
electric outlets inside the sled. These electric outlets are used to hook
up computers and other equipment up that require electricity. The sled
even has a fold-up table and chairs. This enables up to four people to sit
snuggly inside of the sled. The sled is able to maintain an inside
temperature of 50 degrees for the entire trip! It is insulated by bubble
wrap with foil on both sides and is then covered by an insulated, thick,
white canvas. The SnowSTAR sled is an amazing invention by Jon!!
The SnowSTAR 2002 expedition will be well equipped!!!

Jon and his masterpiece!

A view of inside the heated sled! Pretty cozy!

SnowSTAR 2002 Heated Sled!
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